Saturday, November 26, 2011





INTRODUCTION: The Glad Tidings of the Golden Age 10


Dajjal: The Greatest Trial of the End Times 14


The System of the Dajjal is Managed by Atheist Freemasonry 38


Darwinists have Deceived the Whole World with Frauds 56


Darwinists’ Methods of Deception of the World 160


The Darwinist Deception has Finally Come to an End 262

CONCLUSION: Almighty Allah is the Creator of Life 290

The Deception of Evolution 300



Fourteen hundred years ago, our Prophet (saas) spoke in great detail of events that would take place in the End Times – in other words, the age we are living in now – and described the period quite comprehensively. He said that in the End Times, there would be a time when people would abandon the moral values of the Qur’an and that there would be global degeneracy, corruption, war and disorder. Again as revealed by our Prophet (saas) in the hadiths, in this time Allah will send the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), who bears our Lord’s title of the Hadi (the bestower of guidance). In this holy time that will witness the appearance of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), philosophies and ideologies based on disbelief will completely disappear, and the oppression and disorder going on all over the world will come to an end. In the time of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), belief in Allah will be lived by as it was in the time of our Prophet (saas), the moral values of the Qur’an will reign among people, and the entire world will become a place of peace and repose. There will be no war or conflict anywhere, all weapons will disappear and not so much as a single person’s nose will even be made to bleed. The immorality, oppression, persecution, injustices and degeneracy of the past will evaporate in this holy age, and sufferings of all kinds will be replaced by abundance, wealth, beauty, peace and tranquility. There will be tremendous advances in technology and these will be used for the good and benefit of all mankind. This time, in which there will also be excellent advances in art and beauty, will be known, by Allah’s leave, as the “Golden Age.”

As a requirement of the test in this world, Our Lord also creates negative forces that are the exact opposite of all delights. Forces (unbelievers in other words) diametrically opposed to the prophets and believers have emerged at every period of history and these have struggled against faith in Allah and proper moral virtues. This is a law of Allah. The existence of Pharaoh in the time of the Prophet Moses (pbuh), of Nimrod in the time of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh) and of Abu Lahab and the pagans of Mecca in the time of the Prophet Muhammad (saas) are manifestations of that Divine law. As revealed in the hadiths of our Prophet (saas), the negative force that will appear in the End Times, when the coming of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is awaited, will be the “dajjal,” or antichrist.

Almost all the portents of the End Times set out in the hadiths of our Prophet (saas) have come true as of Hijri 1400 (1979/1980 in the Gregorian calendar), in other words in just the period foretold by the Prophet (saas). The fact that hundreds of portents have come about proves that the End Times refer to the age in which we are living and also shows that the Golden Age is very close. The corruption of the dajjal has also shown itself in the End Times in which we are living. This terrible corruption of the dajjal that incites masses of people toward irreligion, that brings with it wars and conflict, and that inflicts degeneracy, anarchy, strife and murder on societies, is Darwinism. Despite having no scientific basis whatsoever, it has become a dominant ideology over the last 150 years by being imposed on people, who have been deceived by this terrible lie, and a number of societies have been drawn toward wars, slaughter, terror and anarchy through adopting Darwinism as their ideology. The way of the dajjal has permeated the world with the corruption of Darwinism, and despite being devoid of any scientific evidence, it has been placed under official protection by many states with false claims and evidence. Since Darwinist ideology is the worst corruption of the End Times, it quickly achieved a false success and took its place in the pages of history as the worst mass deception there has ever been.

However, like all great corruptions, this corruption of the dajjal will also be overthrown and vanish. The Golden Age, the holy period of the End Times, will be when the corruption of the dajjal comes to an end, when war and conflict cease, when the atheist ideologies that have inflicted terrible scourges on mankind are consigned to the dustbin of history and when the world overflows with plenty, abundance and justice. The moral values of Islam will spread across the world in that time and people will turn in droves to belief in Allah. This holy age is now imminent. According to the hadiths of our Prophet (saas), Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) has already appeared. The time when he will be recognized by people is very close. Again as can be seen from the hadiths, the coming of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will also take place very soon. Darwinism, the worst corruption of the global system of the dajjal, has suffered the greatest defeat in history. The dajjal is now dead. By Allah’s leave, the plenty and abundance, the peace and security of the Golden Age, which is now close at hand, will reign over all mankind and enfold the whole world. Our Almighty Lord says in one verse:

Allah has written,

I will be victorious, I and My messengers.” Allah is Most Strong, Almighty. (Surat al-Mujadala, 21)



Darwinists have always tended to point to false evidence for the theory of evolution. They maintain that life formed from inanimate matter and developed by evolving, and that all living species gradually descended from one another. However, Darwinism is a perverse belief system that has been unable to prove any part of this claim, but that is nonetheless heralded as scientific. According to Darwinism, the greatest mechanism of this fictitious development is “chance.” Chance is Darwinists’ false god. According to Darwinists, this false god has the power to do the impossible. According to Darwinists this false god produced the living cell from a bit of muddy water, turned fish into tigers, and bears into whales, and bestowed lungs on them out of nothing. According to Darwinists, who regard man as descended from monkeys, this false god bestowed attributes such as reason, memory and skills on human beings and created human consciousness in a totally inimitable manner. And while supposedly doing all these things, blind chance is alleged to behave rationally and in a planned and controlled manner, and even to have taken various precautionary measures when required. According to Darwin’s theory of evolution, chance is a false creator with its own mind and power to control. (Surely Allah is beyond that.)

This perverse theory that has adopted chance as its idol has managed to dominate the mass of people using all kinds of demagoguery and falsehood with such irrational and illogical claims. The reason for that is the dajjal. It is revealed in the hadiths of our Prophet (saas) that the dajjal is the source of this deception. This subject becomes clearer when the features described with similes in many hadiths that discuss the dajjal are evaluated in terms of the characteristics of these ideologies. In that light, all ideologies and thought systems that emerge with illogical and groundless claims, that incite people toward disbelief, that turn them from religious moral values and that facilitate the appearance of corruption and conflict among people actually represent the dajjal. Darwinism is the main ideology described in the hadith that complies with this devilish system. Our Almighty Lord describes those people who go along with the perverse system of the dajjal thus in one verse:

The evildoers are indeed misguided and insane. (Surat al-Qamar, 47)

Since Darwinism is an ideology based on deceiving the world and turning people away from faith in Allah, it is essential for the supporters of the dajjal to keep this perverse faith alive. For that reason, some people under the influence of the dajjal have to date resorted to every possible way of keeping the ideology propped up. Despite lacking even one piece of scientific evidence, the theory of evolution was heralded as a scientifically proven one. They pretend that non-existent evidence actually existed, and had no qualms about resorting to fraud to make fossils compatible with their theory.

Though not a single transitional fossil existed, they fabricated fictitious ones and produced hoaxes, and had these taught as scientific facts in school books. They ignored the countless pieces of evidence that emerged and repudiated evolution, deliberately kept them hidden away and kept them concealed away from sight. Since there was no evidence to support their theory, they manufactured false fossils and for decades exhibited these in the world’s most renowned museums. Although they should have been ashamed when their frauds were exposed, they persisted with their deceptive methods and had no compunctions about producing and espousing new hoaxes. Although it has been scientifically proven that not even a single protein can form by chance, they insisted on maintaining that life first began by chance in some muddy water. (The probability of a functioning protein forming by chance is zero because a single protein cannot come into being in an environment that does not already contain proteins.)
They had no hesitation about publishing their false evidence in newspapers and scientific journals and on the television, and saw nothing wrong in teaching it to students for years. Darwinism is a system founded upon fraud, deceptions and lies. Darwinism is not science. Ever since the theory of evolution was first put forward, Darwinism has adopted the role played by the ancient pagans, trying to turn people into idolaters and seeking to turn them away from belief in Allah. It deceived people and tried to convince them of a lie for 150 years. Darwinism is a perverse religion that needs fraud to survive, that tells lies to muster support, and seeks to excommunicate those who state the truth, that Darwinism is a lie.

Say: “Shall I tell you of a reward with Allah far worse than that: that of those whom Allah has cursed and with whom He is angry – turning some of them into monkeys and into pigs – and who worshiped false deities? Such people are in a worse situation and further from the right way.” (Surat al-Ma’ida, 60)

Under normal conditions, it would certainly be illogical for people to adhere to such a nonsensical ideology. But some people have unconsciously fallen into a trap set by the dajjal and been taken in by that deception, without understanding how it happened; because the dajjal used a very cunning method. As Darwinism was busily misleading the world, the dajjal undertook this cunning and unpleasant task, and influenced people using false and perverse methods. But there is no doubt that, as with all superstitious religions, all the plots against Allah have been thwarted. Allah reveals this in these verses:They are hatching a plot. I too am hatching a plot. So bear with the unbelievers – bear with them for a while. (Surat at-Tariq, 15-17) 


The System Of The Dajjal Is Managed By Atheist  Freemasonry 

Atheist freemasonry is the true protector and backer of the theory of evolution, which was put forward for the sake of denying Allah and has inflicted oppression, degeneracy, mass slaughter and wars on the entire world by encouraging people to think that they are unfettered animals with no responsibility to Allah, claiming that everything came into being spontaneously and by spreading the idea of the survival of the fittest, and the elimination of the weak, by way of natural selection.

Erasmus Darwin, the grandfather of Charles Darwin who put the theory of evolution into its current form and led the way in the mass dissemination of this deception, was a famous atheist freemason affiliated to Scottish Canongate Kilwinning No. 2 Lodge. Charles Darwin's brothers were also masons.6
The reason for the global weakening of belief in Allah over the 150 years since the spread of Darwin’s ideas, the rising number of atheists, why the world has suffered such great disorder and degeneration, for world wars, for the spread of hatred and anger in society, for the rise in mass slaughter and killings, genocide, and the spread of views such as racism that inflict such tragedy on societies is that this deception has been installed in just about all institutions, schools and national administrations across the world under the management of a Darwinist dictatorship closely tied to atheist freemasonry.

Bloody communist and fascist leaders are notorious for their admiration for, and devotion to, Darwin’s theory of evolution. These people had no hesitations about stating that in establishing their corrupt and oppressive systems they rooted themselves in the theory of evolution. In addition, all the bloody leaders in question were members of atheist masonic lodges.
Karl Marx, the founder of communism that drenched the world in blood, openly expressed the way he based his ideas on Darwin’s theory of evolution by saying this about Darwin's book The Origin of Species, "This is the book which contains the basis in natural history for our view.”7 Marx was a 32nd degree freemason and member of the German Grand Orient Lodge. Known as an atheist, Marx was always uneasy at the thought of his Jewish origins, and openly expressed his anger toward Jews and belief in Allah in his book A World Without Jews.8

Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin, who also based their ideas on those of Marx, were responsible for the slaughter of millions and were known for their admiration of Darwin and his theory of evolution, and were similarly atheist freemasons. Lenin was a member of the Grand Orient Lodge and Stalin of the Rouge Croix Lodge.9 Throughout Stalin’s reign, estimated to have cost the lives of 60 million people, he attached the greatest importance to propagandizing evolution. In his autobiography he said:

... in order to disabuse the minds of our seminary students of the myth that the world was created ..., we had to acquaint ourselves with the geological origin and age of the earth, and be able to prove them in argument; we had to familiarize ourselves with Darwin's teachings.10

Leon Trotsky, with Lenin another architect of the communist revolution, was also a Darwinist and commented that “Darwinism ... was the highest triumph of the dialectic in the whole field of organic matter.”11 Trotsky was also an atheist mason and member of the Grand Orient Lodge. Following his exile from Russia and settling in Central America, he worked for the communization of Grand Orient lodges in various regions of Latin and South America. All the communist uprisings in South America to date, including Cuba, have been organized by these lodges.12

Mao Zedong, the founder of Chinese communism, was similarly a bloody communist leader who explicitly stated that he based the foundations of Chinese socialism on Darwinism and the theory of evolution. Mao Zedong was another atheist freemason and member of the Grand Orient Lodge.13 The Chinese socialism that Mao Zedong based on Darwinist principles was one of the most repressive and bloody regimes ever. China witnessed countless political executions during that time. In later years, the young militants whom Mao would refer to as the Red Guards inflicted a climate of terror on the entire country. China is still under the influence of the same polluted communist system, and the same bloody dictatorship survives there. The terrible genocide and horrific executions that China has recently perpetrated against the Uighur Turks show the persistence of the same perverse and wicked system based on Darwin’s theory of evolution, as Mao put it.

All these people were Darwinists and atheist masons. They represent the committee of the dajjal that rebelled against Allah, the Qur’an, the Torah and the Gospel.

Darwin, who inflicted irreligion, degeneracy, hatred, ruthlessness and wars on the world, his grandfather Erasmus Darwin from whom he took his ideas, and the bloody communist leaders who supported Darwinism and caused the deaths of so many millions of people were all high-ranking atheist masons. Despite being devoid of any supporting scientific evidence, the theory of evolution is today supported and protected by laws across the world. Young people are forced to learn this perverse theory, and teachers are compelled to teach it. People who oppose the theory of evolution are immediately removed from their posts and silenced. This perverse ideology that has drenched the world in blood and inflicted irreligion on whole societies is the most important bastion of the dajjal, of atheist freemasonry in other words. Seeing how determinedly devoted to this theory bloodthirsty communist and fascist leaders have been, and how they have shed the blood of millions of people by implementing Darwin’s teachings, makes the global influence of this committee of the dajjal much easier to understand.

Darwinism: The Fundamental Philosophy of Atheistic Freemasonry
Darwinism is the fundamental philosophy behind atheistic freemasonry. That is because it is the rotten basis of the system of the dajjal which the atheist freemasons endeavor to establish in the world. Darwinism aims at estranging people from Allah, and constitutes the deviant and false ideological basis of the cruelty in the world. Therefore the organization constituted by atheist freemasons is the primary one which tries hardest to impose the evolution theory on society. The Mason Magazine [printed in Turkey by the freemasons] explains why atheist masons support evolution theory as follows:

Darwin’s evolution theory showed that many events in nature are not the work of God.14 (Surely Allah is beyond that.)

Atheist masons try to present evolution theory as a scientific one in order to sustain and propagate this big lie. Yet the evolution theory supported by the atheist masons does not have even a single scientific fact to support it, and has collapsed completely in the face of 350 million fossils and other scientific evidence that proves Creation. The evolution theory is the biggest fraud and deceit ever to have emerged in the name of science in recorded history.

Another masonic publication Mimar Sinan magazine describes atheistic freemasonry’s view of Darwinism as follows:

Today the only valid theory, from the most civilized to the underdeveloped countries, is the theory of Darwin and the ones that have followed his way.15

Atheist freemasons try to impose Darwinism as a scientific theory, because Darwinism is used as a tool to pave the way for the atheist masonic powers to spread their deviant belief system. Therefore atheist masons adopt the propagation of this theory as one of their primary duties. Mason Magazine refers to this “duty” as below:

The greatest humane and masonic duty we all own is to hold on to the positive science, to spread this belief among people and educate them with positive science [Darwinism] by adopting the view that this is the best and only way in evolution.16

Selami Isindag, an atheist and a senior mason, describes how atheistic freemasonry views humans in line with the false belief of evolution in his book titled Masonluktan Esinlenmeler [Inspirations from Freemasonry] as follows:

From the point of view of evolution, human beings are no different from animals. For the formation of man and his evolution there are no special forces other than those to which animals are subjected.17

Atheistic freemasonry, as the system of the dajjal, uses Darwinism as a false support to achieve its deviant aims, thus claims that human beings are animals that came into being by chance. Darwinism is put forth, falsely supported, presented as science and protected by atheist freemasons. The said system of the dajjal continues to protect this deviant ideology by way of oppression, imposition, cruelty and fraud.

In order to get a better understanding, it will be useful to examine how atheistic freemasonry, the system of the dajjal, has supported and put forward this deviant ideology during Darwin’s time.

Darwin Was Supported by Atheist Freemasons

An important example which proves the fact that Darwinism is one of the biggest deceptions of atheistic freemasonry is a resolution carried in a mason meeting by atheists. The 33rd degree Supreme Council of Mizraim Freemasonry at Paris reveals in its minutes its support of evolution as science, while they themselves in fact scoffed at the theory:

It is with this object in view that we are constantly, by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in these theories. The intellectuals ... will puff themselves up with their knowledge and without any logical verification of them will put into effect all the information available from science, which our agent provocateur specialists have cunningly pieced together for the purpose of

educating their minds in the direction we want. Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism...18

Atheistic freemasonry in the United States picked up the resolution of Mizraim before long. New Age magazine, in its March 1922 issue, stated that the kingdom of atheistic freemasonry will be established by so-called evolution and the development of man himself.

As seen above, the false scientific image of evolution theory is a deception created in the 33rd degree atheist masonic lodges. Atheist masons openly admit that they will use the scientists and media which are under their control to present this deception as scientific, which they themselves find humorous. When atheist freemasons talk about the successes they arranged for Darwinism, they are actually referring to having infiltrated a deception into universities, schools, textbooks, and most of the mass media, and presenting this deceit as a scientific truth, squelching those who have anti-Darwinist views, and hindering anti-Darwinist activities by oppression. These false “successes” atheist freemasons accomplished for Darwinism are aggravated insomuch as that today the Anglican Church is forced to apologize to Darwin, and the Pope is forced to deliver pro-Darwinist conferences from the Vatican. This is how this deviant system, created in a lodge by atheistic masonry (which is the system of the dajjal), is effective.

Another important evidence of the complex relations between atheistic freemasonry and Darwinism is the activities of Thomas Huxley, who was the most enthusiastic supporter of Darwin in Darwin’s time, and was called “Darwin’s bulldog.” Huxley was a member of the Royal Society, one of the most important scientific institutions in Britain and he was a senior freemason, like all the other members of this institution.19 The Royal Society of London for the Improvement of Natural Knowledge was founded in 1662. All the members of this institution were masons without exception.20

Although he had no personal achievements, Huxley was accepted as a member by the Royal Society when he was very young. The reason this masonic society, of which the majority were atheists, considered him important was his closeness to Darwin and his being Darwin’s biggest supporter.

Other members of the Royal Society also supported Darwin and contributed to his works both before and after publishing his book. This masonic institution, formed particularly of atheists, supported him so much that after a while they started presenting a “Darwin Medal,” much like the Nobel Prize, to scientists they deem as successful.

In brief Darwin, who was also a mason, was not alone. He was supported in an “organized” way from the moment he put forth his theory. This organized support was coming from a social class and groups constituted by atheist freemasons. Marxist theorist Antonie Pannekoek, in his book titled Marxism and Darwinism, refers to this important fact and explains how Darwinism was supported by the bourgeoisie, that is the European rich capitalist class, as follows:

That Marxism owes its importance and position only to the role it takes in the proletarian class struggle, is known to all. ... it is not hard to see that in reality Darwinism had to undergo the same experiences as Marxism. Darwinism is not a mere abstract theory which was adopted by the scientific world after discussing and testing it in a mere objective manner. No, immediately after Darwinism made its appearance, it had its enthusiastic advocates and passionate opponents... Darwinism, too, played a role in the class-struggle, and it is owing to this role that it spread so rapidly and had enthusiastic advocates and venomous opponents.21

This assertion shows why atheist freemasons attach so much importance to evolution theory. Their aim is to impose the idea that human beings and all other living things have come into existence by chance, and to falsely present this deviant materialist philosophy as if it is a scientifically proven idea. According to them, the evolution theory is the only method to deny the existence of Allah (Surely Allah is beyond that) and to impose chance on people as a false deity. That’s why atheistic freemasonry supports, defends, spreads and protects this theory in every situation, even using fraud and cruelty. This is the reason why this deception is protected persistently, with a fanatical attitude, and why a world-dominating Darwinist dictatorship has been built.

Atheist Freemasons Have Always Been the Supporters of the False Ideology of Darwinism

As we have explained in detail , the fundamental philosophy of atheistic freemasonry is based on Darwinism. That is because, though having no scientific aspect whatsoever, Darwinism is a fake ideology with a scientific guise propounded solely to make the mainstays of atheistic freemasonry (atheism, aimlessness, wars and degeneracy), that is the system of the dajjal, legitimate.

Selami Isildag, a senior Turkish freemason, expressed how atheistic freemasonry unconditionally accepts evolution as follows:

In very brief terms, I want to mention some masonic principles, thoughts and beliefs: According to [atheistic] freemasonry, life appeared from a single cell, and has reached human beings through conversion, transformation and evolution. The nature, reasons, purpose and conditions of the beginning cannot be known. Life appeared from essence-energy and will turn back to it. There is possibility of salvation from dogmatism only if the Glorious Architect of the Universe is thought of and adopted as a glorious principle, the endless horizons of the good and beauty, the climax and the highest phase of evolution, the ideal of humanity, and not be impersonated.22 (Surely Allah is beyond that.)

The masonic concept mentioned in these words, and called The Glorious Architect of the Universe, alludes to satan, whom atheist freemasons worship. (Surely Allah is beyond that.)

Another source clearly describes the relation of atheistic freemasonry with the notion of evolution and states that the basic reason why Erasmus Darwin, Darwin’s grandfather, propounded the theory of evolution was to lay a basis for atheistic freemasonry:

Many New Age tenets of Universalism, occultism, and Evolution are found in the [atheistic] Masonic Lodge. That is why Freemasons like Erasmus Darwin and others agreed with Evolution.

... Evolution is a Mystery religion concept that relates to reincarnation. That is why New-Agers typical accept the tenets of Evolution. Evolution teaches that natural selection created all life forms from less complex to more complex organisms (man is a final product of these chance filled gradual developments over billions of years). Reincarnation itself teach that man is evolving endlessly in many lifetimes until they reach perfection.23

The fact that Darwinism is a theory based on atheistic freemasonry is outlined in George H. Steinmetz’s book, Freemasonry: Its Hidden Meaning, as follows:

... ancient secret doctrine, which is concealed in Masonic allegory and symbolism, teaches Evolution as surely as Darwin ever taught it; Reincarnation and the ... karma, which are included in, and are a part of, the teaching of scientific astrology.24

Author Phillip D. Collins, in his book in which he revealed the truth about the atheistic masonic system, The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship, expresses that Darwinism actually is based upon a masonic deception fabricated by atheists:

The theory [Darwinism] itself is a dense amalgam of “isms,” thinly veiled occult concepts, philosophical doctrines, and ideologies. Again, Tennenbaum's statement that Darwinism “is based on absurdly irrational propositions, which did not come from scientific observations, but were artificially introduced from the outside, for political-ideological reasons” seems succinct and accurate.25

By means of Darwinism, it was not difficult for atheistic freemasonry to cause the outbreak of wars, to commit mass murders, perpetrate genocide and perpetuate racism. Atheistic freemasonry has caused the world to drift into a horrible disaster by means of various senior atheist freemasons, by making Darwinist ideology a basis of its objectives, and by brainwashing methods. This horrible plot has cost more than 350 million lives or martyrs. They experienced the destruction of two great world wars without understanding what was going on.

Phillip D. Collins outlines this fact as follows:

In The Secret Cult of the Order, Antony Sutton states: “Both Marx and Hitler have their philosophical roots in Hegel.” It is here that one arrives at the Hegelian nexus where Darwin, Marx, and Hitler intersect. Recall that Nietzsche-ism, Darwinism and Marxism were all mentioned together in the Protocols of the Wise Men of Sion. This was no accident. Nazism (a variant of fascism) sprung from Nietzsche-ism. Communism sprung from Marxism. Both were based upon Hegelian principles. Moreover, both were “scientific dictatorships” legitimized by the “science” of Darwinism.

... The interest of both Hitler and Marx in Darwinian evolution is a matter of history. While he was living in London, Karl Marx attended lectures on evolutionary theory delivered by T.H. Huxley. Recognizing the odd synchronicity between the communist concept of class war and the Darwinian principle of natural selection, Marx sent Darwin a copy of Das Kapital in 1873. Enamored of evolution, Marx asked Darwin the permission to dedicate his next volume to him...26
Researcher Ian Taylor explains the following:

However, Fascism or Marxism, right wing or left, ... the foundation for each of these roads is Darwin's theory of evolution.27

Phillip D. Collins adds the following regarding the matter:

In fact, in Evolution and Ethics, Keith candidly stated: “The German Führer [Hitler] as I have consistently maintained, is an evolutionist; he has consciously sought to make the practice of Germany conform to the theory of evolution.”28

In an analysis of Mein Kampf, contemporary author Werner Maser reveals that Darwin was the crucible for Hitler's “notions of biology, worship, force, and struggle, and of his rejection of moral causality in history.”29

In both the case of communism and Nazism, the results were enormous bloodbaths. This is the natural consequence of Darwinian thinking and the legacy of the “scientific dictatorship.”30

In applying the ideas of Darwin, both communists and fascists have murdered millions. Both of these groups find their origins in the elite (the Illuminati), who are still pursuing the same objectives today. According to the Darwinian mantra of “survival of the fittest,” victory will demand bloodshed.31

Atheistic freemasonry, that is the system of the dajjal, permeated the masses under the appearance of Darwinism and led to millions of people being murdered. This system of the dajjal ruined whole nations, and became the primary perpetrator of massacres against believers. The methods of this system of the dajjal have always been tried to be presented as reasonable and taught to be shown to have a scientific basis under the disguising veil of evolution. The fact is however, apart from being bereft of a single scientific proof, every bit of scientific evidence wholly demolishes this theory. The fact that Darwinism is a great deception is a certified, proven fact.

The fact that people blindly adhered to such an obvious lie, the spread of such a hoax throughout the world and its influence over people, societies and countries is surely unbelievable. However, one can understand the reason for this deception when one considers the fact that this hoax is under the monopoly of atheist freemasons. Atheist freemasons’ plot, which is hatched behind the closed doors of atheistic lodges, is an efficient one with a truly global span. Just as in the case of the theory of evolution, when they want to deceive a society or the entire world, they accomplish it by employing every manner of force under their hegemony including countries, governmental institutions, people or press.

Satan’s Order Will Definitely Be Torn Down and Vanish

Atheistic freemasonry, the satan-worshiping system of the dajjal, will always be defeated by the supporters of Allah. At the moment, the satan-worship masonic organization appears very powerful, but this is a deception. The fact that satan controls great states, national policies and intelligence agencies means nothing. If Allah so wills, this rotten system will fall apart in a single week, a single day, or even

a single moment. No matter how powerful the satanic system may look, it has been created in such a way as to collapse whenever Allah so wishes.

One can see this in history. Whole states run by satan-worshiping atheist masons have collapsed in a moment when Allah has so wished. Hitler, for example, was a satanist and an atheist freemason; he had his state policies, secret police and other organizations. But since he adopted satan as his false god and imagined following in satan’s path would make him strong, Allah destroyed his state and ruined him. Indeed, Hitler died insane, his mind and body in ruin. The communist dictator Lenin appeared to be a powerful figure who ran whole states by obeying satan’s commands. But he died after a series of strokes, confined to a wheelchair, unable to speak or even move, in a pathetic state. Saddam Hussein was also an atheist mason who acted on satan’s orders. The Iraqi Army in its prime was one of the strongest in the world; yet his army vanished in the desert in just one day. Following his display of strength and arrogance against the world, Saddam ended his days by being hanged.

All these events happened in a single day or moment. The supporters of satan who appeared to be so powerful lost all their power and collapsed the moment Allah set satan as a scourge upon them. These people were wrong to think that satan had any power. The fact is that satan’s scheming is feeble. All power belongs to Allah alone.

For that reason, the supporters of Allah will be victorious. And satan’s army has always been defeated by the prophets. Since our Prophet (saas) was a supporter of Allah, they never vanquished him. The Prophet Moses (pbuh) opposed Pharaoh, an atheist mason and a most powerful leader of his day. But Pharaoh was unable to defeat the Prophet Moses (pbuh), a supporter of Allah. It is to be noted how Pharaoh, who lived in such splendor, died in such a way as to be a deterrent to peoples who came after him. The Prophet Solomon (pbuh), too, overcame all the atheistic masonic organizations of his time.

The supporters of Allah never have and never will be defeated. Everyone who truly loves Allah and genuinely turns to Him will definitely overcome the system of the dajjal. The system of the dajjal that currently rules the world, atheistic freemasonry in other words, is in the same position as those who supported satan in the past. Even though the dajjal may appear powerful, since he is a supporter of satan, there is a huge response from our Lord for him. The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), both supporters of Allah and the two great personages of the End Times, will certainly vanquish satan. By Allah’s leave, the intellectual system of the dajjal will collapse and be utterly eradicated.

Chapter 3
Let us consider a scientific theory, the Big Bang for instance. That theory was first proposed uncertainly and as a hypothesis based on Einstein's concept of relativity. After that, the search began for the evidence needed to show that the Big Bang actually took place. That evidence genuinely existed. The radiation confirming the explosion was discovered, and an isotopic nature (the fact that all space is at –270oC) was established. It was also scientifically proved that the universe was constantly expanding. That was another important and definitive piece of evidence corroborating the theory in question. All the claims of the Big Bang theory were thus tested and confirmed, and it so became a proven theory.

Darwin's theory of evolution was put forward as a “hypothesis.” (In fact, the reason for the launching of the theory of evolution was entirely ideological, but it was introduced under a scientific guise.) In order for the theory to be regarded as valid, its claims would have to be proved, just as with the Big Bang. To that end, it would have to be seen whether the fictitious mechanisms of evolution actually made evolution possible. Scientific progress in the 20th century proved that “natural selection,” Darwin's fictitious evolutionary mechanism, had no evolutionary role. In the face of the science of genetics, new Darwinists abandoned all hope of natural selection as an evolutionary mechanism and attempted to point to mutations instead, but were again disappointed. Once it had been realized that mutations had no evolutionary effect, either, it was the turn of the fossil record, in which Darwin and Darwinists had placed most of their hopes. The conclusion produced by the fossil record literally stunned Darwinists! The illusory “transitional fossils” that had been sought for so many years existed nowhere on Earth. Deeper research did not alter that conclusion. Not a single transitional fossil has ever been discovered in any of the research conducted to date.

Unwilling to abandon the superstitious religion to which they were so devoted, Darwinists still hoped to find evidence for Darwinism for many years. But the fictitious evidence they anticipated never appeared. Nonetheless, Darwinist lies did not come to an end, and pro-Darwinist demagoguery was stubbornly persevered with. What is interesting is that despite the passage of 150 years, although not a single piece of supporting evidence has ever been found and even though the fossil record and genetics clearly proved the fact of Creation, Darwinists still imagine they could keep this superstitious religion propped up. That, of course, proved to be a grave error. In fact the proponents of the theory are perfectly well aware that evolution never happened anywhere in natural history. They have seen this as a result of countless pieces of scientific evidence.

But since the theory of evolution is an ideology and a superstitious religion that needs to be kept alive by its adherents, Darwinists believe they still have to maintain this supposedly scientific role. That is the reason why Darwinists have resorted to hoaxes, speculation and countless propaganda techniques to keep this false religion alive over the last 150 years. As required by their superstitious faith, Darwinists can find no other way of conditioning people with the idea that their theory is a supposedly “true” one because not a single piece of scientific evidence exists to corroborate the theory. It is for these reasons that Darwinists try to give the impression that “the scientific evidence for their theory exists.”
In his book Creative Defense, Nicholas Comninellis, a doctor from the University of Missouri, says this about the future status of this vast deception:

Philosophically, the dogma of evolution is a dream, a theory without a vestige of truth. Within fifty years, children in school will read of extraordinary popular delusions, and this will be mentioned as one of the most absurd. Many a merry jest will be uttered bearing upon the follies of nineteenth century science.32

Comninellis's analysis is accurate. The theory of evolution consists of a claim based on deception, and the history of the theory is full of countless instances of

fraud. Every claim made by evolutionists and every piece of evidence thus far submitted is the work of fraud. But the true face of every one of these hoaxes has now been revealed. Yet the proponents of the religion of Darwinism have tried to cover this up, or make people forget it. Yet no matter how much they may strive, the whole world has finally begun to see that Darwinist propaganda is based on rotten foundations. As Comninellis also says, future generations will be stunned and amazed at the global impact of this deception, and how this monstrous lie was espoused by world-renowned professors and scientists, and they will laugh at this foolishness for many years.

Using such methods, the dajjal sought to turn people away from belief in Allah. But all his plans have now collapsed. The method he used – Darwinism – has now become the subject of mockery, even for small children. The whole world will soon look back on the nonsense that is Darwinism with a sense of embarrassment. This is without doubt a snare set by our Lord for those who would rebel against Him. As Allah reveals in another verse:
The evil actions they did assailed them. They were engulfed by what they mocked. (Surat an-Nahl, 34)
Darwinists Have Deceived The Whole World With Frauds

The Claim That "The First Cell Emerged from Muddy Water” Is a Fraud

According to Darwinism, the source of this mythical first cell is supposedly a bit of muddy water, time and chance! According to the religion of Darwinism, these three “magic” and “intelligent” things somehow came together to produce the cell, with all its organelles and irreducible complexity, with its exceptionally complex and flawless mechanisms, that not even Nobel prize-winning scientists have been able to manufacture in laboratories equipped with 21st-century technology, and whose details human beings have been striving to understand for around half a century! Moreover, these three “wondrous” forces also combined to give rise to all the glorious life we see on Earth today. The religion of Darwinism seeks to convince people of this nonsense.

But the fact is that this is a terrible fraud and falsehood.

In fact, the fantasy of this first cell emerging from muddy water invented by Darwinists is entirely compatible with the very backward level of science and technology in Darwin’s time. Bearing in mind that Darwin thought the cell was just a sack of jelly, this childish account is just what one might expect from the knowledge and scientific understanding of that era. It was easier to deceive people at that time since they had no idea what the cell was like. But the findings that emerged from the science of genetics once again proved that Darwinism is a total deception. In the light of our present-day knowledge, just one of all the countless proteins possessed by the cell is enough to refute the theory of evolution. Proteins are highly complex structures, and it is impossible for them to come into being by chance. So much so that it is impossible to reproduce them even with 21st-century technology under conscious and controlled laboratory conditions. To maintain that such a structure came into being by chance in a puddle of muddy water is scientifically ludicrous and even a violation of reason and logic. The American philosopher of science Stephen C. Meyer expresses the impossibility of a single protein forming by chance in these words:

Consider the probabilistic hurdles that must be overcome to construct even one short protein molecule of about 100 amino acids in length. First, all amino acids must form a chemical bond known as a peptide bond so as to join with other amino acids in the protein chain. Yet in nature many other types of chemical bonds are possible between amino acids. The probability of building a chain of 100 amino acids in which all linkages involve peptide bonds is roughly 1 chance in 1030.

Second, in nature every amino acid has a distinct mirror image of itself, one left-handed version (or L-form) and one right-handed version (or D-form). These mirror-image forms are called optical isomers. Functioning proteins tolerate only left-handed amino acids, yet the right-handed and left-handed isomers occur in nature with roughly equal frequency. Taking this into consideration compounds the improbability of attaining a biologically functioning protein. The probability of attaining at random only L-amino acids in a hypothetical peptide chain 100 amino acids long is (1/2)100 or again roughly 1 chance in 1030.

Third and most important of all, functioning proteins must have amino acids that link up in a specific sequential arrangement, just like the letters in a meaningful sentence. Because there are 20 biologically occurring amino acids, the probability of getting a specific amino acid at a given site is one in twenty, or five percent. Even if we assume that some sites along the chain will tolerate several amino acids (using the variances determined by biochemist Robert Sauer of MIT), we find that the probability of achieving a functional sequence of amino acids in several functioning proteins at random is still “vanishingly small,” roughly 1 chance in 1065—an astronomically large number—for a protein only one hundred amino acids in length. (Actually the probability is even lower because there are many nonproteinous amino acids in nature that we have not accounted for in this calculation.)

If one also factors in the probability of attaining proper bonding and optical isomers, the probability of constructing a rather short, functional protein at random becomes so small as to be effectively zero (no more than 1 chance in 10125), even given our multi-billion-year-old universe. Consider further that equally severe probability difficulties attending the random assembly of functional DNA. Moreover, a minimally complex cell requires not one, but at least 100 complex proteins (and many other biomolecular components such as DNA and RNA) all functioning in close coordination. For this reason, quantitative assessments of cellular complexity have simply reinforced an opinion that has prevailed since the mid-1960s within origin-of-life biology: chance is not an adequate explanation for the origin of biological complexity and specificity.33

Above and beyond all this, the really important point to be concentrated on is that proteins must already exist in order for other proteins to form. Up to 100 proteins have to be at work in order for a single protein to form. All these proteins have to be present inside a fully formed cell at the same time and the same place and with all their organelles. Therefore, proteins, DNA and the cell have to exist before the protein does. This fact by itself demolishes Darwinists’ claims. Darwinists are unable to explain how even a single protein came into being.

Even if we were to assume that all these complex structures did come into being in an impossible way (i. e., by chance), Darwinists still have to explain how data enough to fill a million encyclopedia pages inside such a glorious molecule as DNA could come into existence by pure happenstance. But as with all issues regarding the cell and the origin of life, Darwinists have no explanation for this either. According to the perverse Darwinist mindset, the extraordinary information inside a cell that formed by chance in muddy water must also have come about by chance due to external factors. The wondrous information inside DNA was actually created together with it.

Darwinists claim that "the cell formed by chance in muddy water” is an outdated belief from the time of Darwin, who imagined that the cell was a simple sack of jelly. But this nonsense dating back to the 19th century has been totally invalidated today, when science and technology have made such great progress. While there are countless structures that all have to be accounted for in a living body, Darwinism cannot even account for how a single protein came into being. But Darwinists behave as if they were unaware of all these impossibilities. This impossible formation in muddy water is still described in evolutionist publications, much in the same way that people tell each other fairy tales. The aim is to be able to deceive the public with this unscientific, illogical and also unproven account. According to the adherents of this superstitious religion, the more people who believe in this nonsense, the more people will fall under the spell of Darwinism.

But people no longer believe in Darwinists’ false tales. Everything in creation, the universe and all within it, exhibit the sublime might and power of our Almighty Lord. In the Qur’an, our Almighty Lord speaks of the sublime creation of the cell and man:

No matter how much people who look for explanations outside the Qur’an try to provide facile accounts for the glory on Earth, it is still an absolute and certain fact that these works created by Allah are magnificent and glorious. There is no room for the theory of evolution in the face of this sublime creation. Almighty Allah describes the greatness of the works He creates in this verse:

The Claim That “Natural Selection Causes Evolution” Is a Fraudulent One

Darwin proposed the concept of natural selection as a supposed “evolutionary mechanism” in the 1800s.

The idea of natural selection is based on the idea that the strongest or most powerful life forms, well adapted to their natural surroundings will survive. For example, in a herd of zebra menaced by lions, the zebras that run the fastest will survive.

Natural selection is certainly a mechanism observed among living things in nature. But it does not possess the ability, as imagined by evolutionists, to bestow new features on life forms and thus create new species.

We can clarify this with an example: Let us imagine that in a certain geographical region there are two similar kinds of dogs, one of which has significantly longer fur than the other. If the temperature in this region falls significantly for some ecological reason, then the longer haired dogs will be more resistant than the shorter haired ones. As a result, the longer haired dogs will gradually come to have an advantage, meaning that they will live longer, find food more easily and reproduce more successfully. After a while, the number of shorter haired dogs will decrease considerably, and they will either migrate to warmer climates or else become extinct. In other words, the longer haired dogs will be favored by natural selection and be advantaged over the other kind.

But please note that no new breed of dog emerges during this process. One of the two breeds that were already in existence acquired an advantage through natural selection. It is not the case that as a result of natural selection long haired dogs appeared where there had not been any before. It is in any case absolutely impossible for these dogs to turn into another species.

In short, new species and new characteristics do not appear by way of natural selection, only the probability of survival of an already existing species changes. Since no new species or characteristics form, it is impossible to speak of “evolution” taking place as evolutionists claim. To put it another way, no “evolution” can come about through natural selection. Indeed, Darwin himself admitted as much:

... natural selection is incompetent to account for the incipient stages of useful structures.34

The well-known British evolutionist and paleontologist Colin Patterson makes this confession on the subject:

No one has ever produced a species by mechanisms of natural selection. No one has ever got near it and most of the current argument in neo-Darwinism is about this question.35

Natural selection is not a mechanism that produces anything new and thus causes species to change, nor does it work miracles such as causing a reptile to gradually turn into a bird. In the words of the well-known biologist D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson, “... we are entitled ... to see in natural selection an inexorable force, whose function is not to create but to destroy—to weed, to prune, to cut down and to cast into the fire.”36

Darwinists are therefore lying when they describe natural selection as an evolutionary mechanism. Even though they know full well that natural selection does not bring about evolution, they still try to openly impose this deception. Desiring to adopt the legacy inherited from Darwin, and not having been able to invent a new mechanism for their imaginary scenario, makes them intensely devoted to this outdated claim and terrible falsehood. There are still Darwinist scientists today who adhere to this terrible lie. Those who have seen that this lie cannot be maintained have come up with another lie: the idea that “mutations cause evolution.”

The Idea That “Mutations Cause Evolution” Is a Falsehood

Mutations are dislocations, breaks and impairments as a result of radiation or chemical effects in the DNA molecule in the nucleus of the living cell which carries all the information about a human being. The information in DNA is set out by 4 separate nucleotides, symbolized by the letters A, T, C and G, laid out in a special and significant sequence. But an error in a single letter in that sequence will damage the entire structure. For example, the leukemia observed in children appears because one of the nucleotide sequences in the DNA is incorrect. The reason for diseases such as cancer appearing or subsequent generations being deformed as a result of the radiation leakage at Chernobyl, or the atom bomb dropped over Hiroshima, is again because of the harmful effects of mutations occurring in people’s bodies.
Almost all mutations are harmful, and they are generally lethal to living things. Examples of mutations that are not harmful generally do the organism no good, and are at best neutral. Scientists have concluded that not a single mutation, out of all those that have been studied, has ever had a positive effect on the life of an organism.37

But the theory of evolution is based on these fictitious mutations that supposedly produce “new” living things and work miracles. Darwinists maintain that species emerge from one another through structures and organs appearing as a result of countless fictitious and beneficial mutations. This claim, which is a source of terrible shame for Darwinists, is put forward by Darwinist scientists who know that mutations always harm an organism. Furthermore, Darwinists are well aware of these harmful effects of mutations yet they still point to a mutant, four-winged fruit fly. The four-winged fruit fly emerged as a result of being subjected to radiation in the laboratory. Darwinists use this example in support of their claims. Darwinists portrayed the extra pair of wings produced in a fruit fly as a result of laboratory-engineered mutations as the greatest evidence that mutations could lead to evolution. But the two wings in question actually damage the creature rather than benefiting it, leading to its losing the ability to fly. The University of California at Berkeley molecular biologist Jonathan Wells summarizes the position as follows:

In the 1970s, Cal Tech geneticist Edward B. Lewis discovered that by carefully breeding three mutant strains he was able to produce a fruit fly in which the balancers were transformed into a second pair of normal-looking wings.

At first glance, this might seem to provide evidence for Carroll's claim that small developmental changes in regulatory DNA can produce large evolutionary changes in form. But the fruit fly is still a fruit fly. Furthermore, although the second pair of wings looks normal, it has no flight muscles. A four-winged fruit fly is like an airplane with a second pair of wings dangling uselessly from its tail. It has great difficulty flying or mating, so it can survive only in the laboratory. As evidence for evolution, a four-winged fruit fly is no better than a two-headed calf in a circus sideshow.38

Jonathan Wells continues:

Disabled fruit flies with extra wings or missing legs have taught us something about developmental genetics, but nothing about evolution. All of the evidence points to one conclusion: no matter what we do to a fruit fly embryo, there are
Almost all mutations are harmful, and they are generally lethal to living things. Examples of mutations that are not harmful generally do the organism no good, and are at best neutral. Scientists have concluded that not a single mutation, out of all those that have been studied, has ever had a positive effect on the life of an organism.37

But the theory of evolution is based on these fictitious mutations that supposedly produce “new” living things and work miracles. Darwinists maintain that species emerge from one another through structures and organs appearing as a result of countless fictitious and beneficial mutations. This claim, which is a source of terrible shame for Darwinists, is put forward by Darwinist scientists who know that mutations always harm an organism. Furthermore, Darwinists are well aware of these harmful effects of mutations yet they still point to a mutant, four-winged fruit fly. The four-winged fruit fly emerged as a result of being subjected to radiation in the laboratory. Darwinists use this example in support of their claims. Darwinists portrayed the extra pair of wings produced in a fruit fly as a result of laboratory-engineered mutations as the greatest evidence that mutations could lead to evolution. But the two wings in question actually damage the creature rather than benefiting it, leading to its losing the ability to fly. The University of California at Berkeley molecular biologist Jonathan Wells summarizes the position as follows:

In the 1970s, Cal Tech geneticist Edward B. Lewis discovered that by carefully breeding three mutant strains he was able to produce a fruit fly in which the balancers were transformed into a second pair of normal-looking wings.

At first glance, this might seem to provide evidence for Carroll's claim that small developmental changes in regulatory DNA can produce large evolutionary changes in form. But the fruit fly is still a fruit fly. Furthermore, although the second pair of wings looks normal, it has no flight muscles. A four-winged fruit fly is like an airplane with a second pair of wings dangling uselessly from its tail. It has great difficulty flying or mating, so it can survive only in the laboratory. As evidence for evolution, a four-winged fruit fly is no better than a two-headed calf in a circus sideshow.38

Jonathan Wells continues:

Disabled fruit flies with extra wings or missing legs have taught us something about developmental genetics, but nothing about evolution. All of the evidence points to one conclusion: no matter what we do to a fruit fly embryo, there are only three possible outcomes – a normal fruit fly, a defective fruit fly, or a dead fruit fly. Not even a horsefly, much less a horse.39

As we have seen, the four-winged mutant fruit fly that is the only evidence that Darwinists point to in support of their warped claims is in fact nothing more than a disabled fruit fly. No matter what effect mutations may have on a life form, they do not possess the miraculous property of bestowing a characteristic belonging to another life form onto it. But Darwinists want people to believe the lie that miracles occur in living things by way of mutations.

The interesting thing is that although Darwinist scientists know that the fruit fly in question is defective, attempts are still made to depict it as the greatest evidence for evolution by mutation in school textbooks. Jonathan Wells writes:

According to Peter Raven and George Johnson’s 1999 textbook, Biology, “all evolution begins with alterations in the genetic message… Genetic change through mutation and recombination [the re-arrangement of existing genes] provides the raw materials for evolution.” The same page features a photo of a four-winged fruit fly, which is described as “a mutant because of changes in Ultrabithorax, a gene regulating a critical stage of development; it possesses two thoracic segments and thus two sets of wings.”

Adding to the confusion, textbook accounts typically leave the reader with the impression that the extra wings represent a gain of structures. But four-winged fruit flies have actually lost structures which they need for flying. Their balancers are gone, and instead of being replaced with something new have been replaced with copies of structures already present in another segment. Although pictures of four-winged fruit flies give the impression that mutations have added something new, the exact opposite is closer to the truth.40

Even if we assume that the “fictitious first cell” that Darwinists claim represents the beginning of life and that cannot possibly have come into being by chance did actually emerge spontaneously, even the smallest stage of the imaginary evolutionary process that would have to take place to give rise to a human with his complex structure would require an astounding amount of information to be produced and countless mutations to take place. “All” of these many mutations have to be beneficial to the life form or else bring about the appearance of something “new.” A single error in this fictitious developing life form will cause the entire system to go wrong and collapse. Ninety-nine percent of mutations are harmful while only one percent are neutral. It flies in the face of both reason and science, therefore, to suggest that every single one of these mutations that would have to take place according to the theory of evolution can be beneficial.

It is therefore impossible for a brand new organ or characteristic that did not exist before to appear by chance as the result of mutations. Mutations have no power to bestow new information on a life form that does not belong to it, or to turn it into a different organism. The idea of mutation represents the greatest manifestation of the falsehood and illogicality of Darwinism because the idea of evolution is based on these illusory “beneficial mutations” that do not in fact exist.

The Infinite Amount of Time Needed for Hypothetical Beneficial Mutations

Even if we hypothesize that beneficial mutations could take place, the idea of mutation is still incompatible with the theory of evolution. In a paper titled “The Inadequacy of Neo-Darwinian Evolution As a Scientific Theory,” Professor Murray Eden from the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Faculty of Electrical Engineering showed that if it required a mere six mutations to bring about an adaptive change, this would occur by chance only once in a billion years - while, if two dozen genes were involved, it would require 10,000,000,000 years, which is much longer than the age of the Earth.41 Even if we assume that mutations were effective and beneficial in complex organs, and structures requiring more than one mutation to occur at the same time, mathematicians still say the problem of time is an acute dilemma for Darwinists. Even Professor of Paleontology George G. Simpson, one of the most unrepentant Darwinists, clearly states that it would take an infinite length of time for five mutations to happen at the same time.42 An infinite amount of time means zero probability. And that is a probability which applies to all the structures and organs possessed by living things. Thus, there is no possibility of the glorious variety of life we see in our daily lives coming about through mutations.
The evolutionist George G. Simpson has performed another calculation regarding the mutation claim in question. He admitted that in a community of 100 million individuals, which could hypothetically produce a new generation every day, a positive outcome from mutations would only take place once every 274 billion years. That number is many times greater than the age of the Earth, estimated to be at 4.5 billion years old.43 These, of course, are all calculations assuming that mutations have a positive effect on the generations which gave rise to them, and on subsequent generations; but no such assumption applies in the real world.

Why Is the Body That Is Supposedly Evolving Protected against Mutations?

All evolutionist scientists know that the probability of a replication error occurring in a living organism’s DNA for no reason is very low. Research has revealed that there are protective elements in the cell that prevent genetic errors from arising. The information in DNA cannot be copied in the absence of particular enzymes that control one another against errors. These include double-filter enzymes for ensuring that the right amino acid binds to the right tRNA. One filter rejects amino acids that are too large, and the other those that are too small. This is a very sensitive and rational system. There are also enzymes that do final checks against the possibility of any error arising in this intelligent system. Scientists have concluded that they could not imagine a better cellular control and protection system aimed at maintaining the integrity of DNA.44

Pierre Paul Grassé, who spent 30 years as professor of evolution at the Sorbonne, wrote this on the subject:
The probability of dust carried by the wind reproducing Dürer’s “Melancholia” is less infinitesimal than the probability of copy errors in the DNA molecules leading to the formation of the eye.45

Darwinists ignore this miraculous system present in DNA and avoid going deeply into the subject and coming up with any explanation of it; yet they construct a scenario of the history of life built on replication errors with an almost zero possibility of happening. This once again reveals the nonsensical nature of Darwinist logic.

Following the realization that Darwin’s idea of natural selection most definitely did not constitute an account of evolution and the emergence of the laws of genetics becoming a lethal blow to Darwinism, the claim of the “evolutionary effect of mutations,” which had been the main weapon of neo-Darwinism, was seen to be no more than a deception. It is absolutely ridiculous to claim that a mechanism such as a mutation, which damages, destroys and kills the living organism, as well as sometimes harming all subsequent generations, can give rise to entirely new living things. But masses of people were taken in by this lie for years. Darwinist scientists of course know that mutations have no such miraculous power. Even Richard Dawkins, one of the present day’s most fervid Darwinists, admits that “most mutations are deleterious, so some undesirable side effect is pretty likely.”46 The reason why Darwinists still propose this discredited claim as a mechanism for evolution is their devotion to the superstitious religion of Darwinism.

Pierre Paul Grassé, who spent 30 years as professor of evolution at the Sorbonne, wrote this on the subject:

The probability of dust carried by the wind reproducing Dürer’s “Melancholia” is less infinitesimal than the probability of copy errors in the DNA molecules leading to the formation of the eye.45

Darwinists ignore this miraculous system present in DNA and avoid going deeply into the subject and coming up with any explanation of it; yet they construct a scenario of the history of life built on replication errors with an almost zero possibility of happening. This once again reveals the nonsensical nature of Darwinist logic.

Following the realization that Darwin’s idea of natural selection most definitely did not constitute an account of evolution and the emergence of the laws of genetics becoming a lethal blow to Darwinism, the claim of the “evolutionary effect of mutations,” which had been the main weapon of neo-Darwinism, was seen to be no more than a deception. It is absolutely ridiculous to claim that a mechanism such as a mutation, which damages, destroys and kills the living organism, as well as sometimes harming all subsequent generations, can give rise to entirely new living things. But masses of people were taken in by this lie for years. Darwinist scientists of course know that mutations have no such miraculous power. Even Richard Dawkins, one of the present day’s most fervid Darwinists, admits that “most mutations are deleterious, so some undesirable side effect is pretty likely.”46 The reason why Darwinists still propose this discredited claim as a mechanism for evolution is their devotion to the superstitious religion of Darwinism.

The “Discovery of the Transitional Form” Is a Fraud

The absence of transitional fossils did not look like an insuperable one in Darwin’s time. Darwin was amazed that not a single intermediate fossil to confirm his theory had been discovered in any of the Earth’s strata, but he still believed they would be “found in the future.” In the chapter titled “Difficulties on Theory” of his The Origin of Species he wrote:

... Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms? Why is not all nature in confusion instead of the species being, as we see them, well defined?… But, as by this theory innumerable transitional forms must have existed, why do we not find them embedded in countless numbers in the crust of the earth?.. Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links?47

The lack of transitional fossils, which refuted Darwin’s expectations, and not a single one of which has been discovered over the last 150 years, has demolished his theory. More than 350 million fossils have to date been unearthed. These fossils have definitively declared the crushing defeat of Darwinism. They all belong to complete and perfect life forms. A great many are specimens of life forms still living today. But not one of these 350 million is a transitional form.

The lack of transitional fossils means the death of Darwinism, and is something that the adherents of the superstitious faith that is Darwinism cannot accept. For that reason, Darwinists resorted to traditional methods and began manufacturing fictitious transitional fossils. Today, when we look at publications that are Darwinist in origin we see that all the fossils depicted as transitional forms are in fact the product of fraud. This false evidence, which may sometimes be based on extinct life forms, sometimes on fictitious illustrations, sometimes on just one single fossil tooth and sometimes on skulls fraudulently manufactured in a laboratory environment, is all important proof that transitional fossils do not exist and that Darwinism is a deception.

Professor of mathematics Wolfgang Smith is one of those scientists who openly admits that transitional fossils do not exist:

On the fundamental level, it becomes a rigorously demonstrable fact that there are no transitional types, and the so-called missing links are indeed non-existent.48

The evolutionist paleontologist Stephen Stanley makes this comment on the absence of transitional fossils:

The known fossil record fails to document a single example of phyletic evolution accomplishing a major morphology transition, and hence offers no evidence that gradualistic model can be valid.49

The University of Kansas geologist Ronald R. West comments:

If evolution were true, the fossil record should have demonstrated:

1. The oldest rocks that bear evidence of life would contain the most primitive forms of life capable of fossilization.

2. Younger rocks would contain evidence of more complex forms of life.

3. There would be a gradual change in life forms from simple to complex.

4. There would be huge numbers of transitional forms.

However, contrary to what most scientists write, the fossil record does not support the Darwinian theory of evolution.50

Darwinists have been unable to put forth a single genuine intermediate form. Not a single transitional fossil has ever been unearthed. There is not a single example of a genuine transitional form on display in museums of evolution. Each one of the 350 million fossils have refuted evolution. They are all fully formed and perfect fossils of life forms, whether still living or extinct.

The lack of transitional forms is such that even Darwinists cannot deny the obvious. Faced by various difficulties, they sometimes are forced to admit it. One such statement comes from the evolutionist paleontologist Colin Patterson:

I fully agree with your comments on the lack of direct illustration of evolutionary transitions in my book [Evolution]. If I knew of any, fossil or living, I would have certainly have included them. . . . I will lay it on the line – there is not one single transitional form in the fossil record for which one could make a watertight argument.51

The absence of intermediate forms is not something that should be glossed over with sophistry, as by the majority of Darwinists, or else regarded as unimportant. No transitional forms mean no evolution. One or a few fossils are not enough to validate the theory of evolution. There would have to be millions of them. But there exists not one single transitional fossil. This reality – that just about 100% of the fossil record has been unearthed by the first decade of the 21st century, and that not one of the millions of transitional fossils that there should theoretically have been has been found – is by itself very powerful and sound evidence that evolution is a lie.

Mark Ridley of the Oxford University Department of Zoology describes how all the fossil record shows that Darwinism is a lie:

In any case, no real evolutionist, whether a gradualist or a punctuationist, uses the fossil record as evidence in favor of the theory of evolution as opposed to special creation...52

The interesting thing is the way that, as we shall be seeing in due course – and in the face of this reality – Darwinists still try to depict fully formed, complete and perfect fossils as transitional forms, or else manufacture their own. The principal reason for their resorting to fraud is without doubt their inability to produce any scientific evidence and their desperation. The main element that makes Darwinism a fraud is that the followers of this superstitious religion have to engage in hoaxes, lies and deception. The adherents of this superstitious faith claim to be acting in the name of science, but the findings of science openly refute the theory of evolution. In Darwinists’ eyes, Darwinism can only be propped up by means of countless lies. That is why their “transitional form found” propaganda that constitutes part of this is also a huge fraud.

. Darwinists’ Efforts to Cover Up Living Fossils Is A Deception

Darwin was amazed when he found a fossilized ginkgo leaf during his research. An identical counterpart to something living today was found with exactly the same appearance as it has today in strata dating back millions of years. This fossil, which on its own was sufficient to disprove his theory and which caused Darwin enormous concern, was described by Darwin in person as a “living fossil.”

If Darwin were alive today, there is no doubt that his alarm on this subject would be even greater because the ginkgo is not the only living fossil to have survived. Some of the more than 350 million fossils that have been unearthed to date belong to complete and fully formed extinct entities, while the majority represent living fossils. Fossil specimens dating back millions of years from very many species living today have been discovered and put on display. (For details see and The horses, giraffes, fish, dogs, birds and reptiles alive today have all left traces dating back millions of years with the same states and appearances that they have now. The fossils illustrated in the Atlas of Creation volumes and those on show at various exhibitions and on the Fossil Museum website represent just a few of the specimens in question. There are so many of these specimens that nearly every life form alive today is represented by members of the same species dating back millions of years. And these fossils are in complete harmony with the organisms around today. There is no difference between fossils dating back millions of years and contemporary living things. Life forms have never changed. They are the same now as when they were first created.

Niles Eldredge, the well-known evolutionist paleontologist and curator at the American Museum of Natural History, summarized their helplessness in the face of the reality that living fossils are one of the greatest dilemmas confronting evolution:

... there seems to have been almost no change in any part we can compare between the living organism and its fossilized progenitors of the remote geological past. Living fossils embody the theme of evolutionary stability to an extreme degree. ....We have not completely solved the riddle of living fossils.53

Although Eldredge attempts, in his own eyes, to conceal Darwinists’ despair by the use of the term “evolutionary stability” and seeks to give the impression that as if “an evolutionary process really did take place in the past, but then underwent stability” the fact of the matter is this: the fossil record clearly proves that evolution never happened at any time. All living species appeared in a moment with all the characteristics they possess today, and have never changed over the course of tens of millions of years. Fish have always existed as fish, reptiles as reptiles, mammals as mammals and human beings as human beings. The fossil record, Darwin’s greatest hope, has proved to be the strongest evidence refuting his theory.

There is no doubt that this state of affairs constitutes a huge rout for the theory of evolution, which is unconfirmed by even a single transitional fossil. That is why Darwinist circles cover up the existence of living fossils and never bring them up, despite their being well aware of the true position. Someone looking at evolutionist references will form the impression that there are only a few living fossils because only a few living fossils are ever brought up by Darwinists. These references also attempt to give the impression that it is miraculous how these few fossils have remained unchanged and that they are an “exception” among all the countless imaginary “proofs” of evolution.

But this is a deception.

The American paleontologist S. M. Stanley describes how the Darwinist dictatorship that dominates the scientific world ignores and conceals this fact revealed by the fossil record:

The known fossil record is not, and never has been, in accord with gradualism. What is remarkable is that, through a variety of historical circumstances, even the history of opposition has been obscured… "The majority of paleontologists felt their evidence simply contradicted Darwin's stress on minute, slow, and cumulative changes leading to species transformation."... [but] their story has been suppressed.54

But no matter how much they try to keep it hushed up, one fact can no longer be concealed: there are millions of living fossils. Darwin’s theory of evolution is currently in a state of total ruin in the face of the facts revealed by the fossil record. Scientific findings have demolished Darwinism. Darwinists cannot conceal these fossils that prove the fact of Creation. The facts are out in the open and the collapse of Darwinism has been revealed by the fossil record, once Darwinism’s greatest foundation.

The Darwinist ploy has failed. The fossils that Darwinism expected would confirm the theory have actually, by Allah’s leave and will, put an end to it. People have thus seen the truth that Allah creates all living things from nothing. Once they have seen this, no contrary claim can have any value or effect. Almighty Allah has destined the system of the dajjal to collapse. This can be irrefutably seen by one and all. Our Almighty Lord reveals in verses how He has created all things from nothing:

. The Concealment of Cambrian Fossils for 70 Years Is a Deception

The Cambrian Period is one of the oldest in natural history and took place 543 to 490 million years ago. Prior to that, life consisted of single-celled organisms and a few multi-celled organisms, but during this period, the whole extraordinary variety of life emerged suddenly, in perfect, fully formed states. All of these life forms had extraordinarily complex features, totally unlike previous life forms, and very similar to living things today. This means that the Cambrian Period deals another deadly blow to the theory of evolution.

The fossils of Cambrian Period life forms provide specimens of 55 different phyla, including those in existence today. (Phylum: the largest category after the “world” in the classification of living things according to their basic physical characteristics.) To put it another way, present-day living things and an even wider variety, were in existence with all their perfect basic physical structures 540 million years ago. (The current number of phyla is 35.) Cambrian life forms are identical to present-day living things that exhibit a flawless complexity. This repudiates Darwin’s fictitious evolutionary tree, and overturns the false mechanisms which have been proposed for this mythical process. According to Darwin’s theory of evolution, following the formation of the first cell, supposedly by chance, single-celled organisms must have ruled the world. After that, the active life that began with simple-structured multi-celled organisms must continue in the form of a single, water dwelling phylum. The number of phyla should increase gradually, and the number of species should grow in proportion. But the reality revealed by the Cambrian findings is very different. Things happened in the exact reverse to Darwin’s imaginary evolutionary tree, with a greater diversity than that in existence today appearing right from the beginning of natural history, immediately after single-celled organisms. (For details see The Cambrian Evidence That Darwin Failed to Comprehend, Harun Yahya)

It will certainly be devastating for someone utterly devoted to Darwinist ideology to discover this. As one of the most loyal followers of this heretical religion Charles Doolittle Walcott, a paleontologist and also director of the Smithsonian Institute, one of the best-known museums in the United States, was appalled by the diversity in the Cambrian fossils he began discovering in 1909. During his research,
which he continued until 1917, he collected a total of 65,000 fossils. These all belonged to complex Cambrian life forms.

Bearing in mind Darwinist frauds, it shouldcome as no surprise that these fossils, which heralded the destruction of Darwinism, were immediately hidden away by the same Darwinist who found them. Walcott decided to conceal these fossils which so terrified him, as they threatened to demolish the superstitious faith of which he was a member and so contradicted his own beliefs. He locked the photographs he had taken and other documentation away in drawers in the Smithsonian Museum. These special and important fossils would only see the light of day 70 years later.

The Israeli scientist Gerald Schroeder comments:

Had Walcott wanted, he could have hired a phalanx of graduate students to work on the fossils. But he chose not to rock the boat of evolution. Today fossil representatives of the Cambrian era have been found in China, Africa, the British Isles, Sweden, Greenland. The explosion [in the Cambrian Period] was worldwide. But before it became proper to discuss the extraordinary nature of the explosion, the data were simply not reported.55

The Cambrian fossils found by Walcott in Burgess Shale were re-examined decades after his death. A team of experts known as the “Cambridge Group” made up of Harry Blackmore Whittington, Derek Briggs and Simon Conway Morris conducted a detailed analysis of the fossils in the 1980s, and they concluded that the fauna was much more diverse and extraordinary than Walcott had determined. They reached the conclusion that some of the fossils could not be classified under the categories of life known today, for which reason they represented different phyla from those currently in existence. Life forms emerged suddenly, in perfect and complex states, in the Cambrian Period of 490 to 543 million years ago.

The conclusion was so unexpected for Darwinists that scientists referred to this sudden activity as an “explosion.” The “Cambrian Explosion” was one of the most incomparable and inexplicable phenomena in the history of science for evolutionist scientists. As a result of these findings confronting evolutionists, who were already at an impasse on every issue, they should have put an end to the tales they had developed for propaganda purposes and returned to the “problem of accounting for the beginning of life.” (Of course, this was a problem for Darwinists, who had no rational and scientific explanation for the origin of life. Anyone thinking logically and scientifically can clearly see that life and the universe are the work of Almighty Allah.) Darwin’s imaginary tree of life had been turned upside down, and the reality was now in total conflict with the fundamental logic of the theory of evolution.

Darwinists are still silent on the subject of the Cambrian Explosion that exhibits higher life forms and Allah’s magnificent Creation. Darwinists have gone very quiet in the face of these extraordinary findings and behave quite literally as if they did not exist. They publish countless deceptive scenarios they have dreamed up about the history of life in scientific journals, but try to avoid reminding people of this huge phenomenon of 540 million years ago and how it totally refutes the theory of evolution. The blatant deception of Charles Doolittle Walcott, who concealed Cambrian fossils, is a perfect example of the lengths that Darwinists will go to in order to conceal the truth and perpetuate a groundless theory.

If Darwinism were really a science, if the proponents of Darwinism really were scientists, then findings of such enormous scientific value, such a huge discovery, would be highlighted and discussed as a matter of urgency on scientific websites and in books and articles. The fact that the opposite applies, with consistent attempts to conceal concrete scientific findings, stems from Darwinism not being a science but rather a false religion that has emerged as a stratagem on the part of the antichrist. Built on a lie, this theory tries to survive through falsehoods. The concealment of the Cambrian fossils was just one of the scientific deceptions perpetrated in the name of Darwinism.

The Claim That Archaeopteryx Is the Ancestor of Birds Is a Deception

The fossil bird discovered in Germany in 1860 and given the name Archaeopteryx harbored certain characteristics unlike those of today’s birds. Darwinists used the teeth in its jaw, the claws on its wings and its long tail as tools for speculation, and the bird was hastily compared to reptiles and heralded, in the absence of any scientific foundation, as a reptile-bird transitional form.

But this claim was a terrible deception.
Soon after Darwinists had mythologized Archaeopteryx as a false transitional form, the fossil bones were examined in detail, and it emerged that this life form was not in fact a “primitive bird” exhibiting an imaginary passage from reptiles to birds, but that its skeleton and feather structure were actually ideally suited to flight, and that the features, unlike those of reptiles, were actually to be found in birds that had lived in the past and even in some that were still alive today. The pro-Darwinist journal Science openly stated this fact:

Archaeopteryx probably cannot tell us much about the early origins of feathers and flight in true protobirds because Archaeopteryx was, in a modern sense, a bird.56

Archaeopteryx is a mosaic life form containing characteristics from different species. Mosaic forms interest scientists with their complex structures and are described as living things harboring features belonging to various species. The deception that Darwinists perpetrated regarding Archaeopteryx stems from the fact that the fossil belongs to a mosaic form. The fact is, however, that like all the life forms in existence today, mosaic organisms are complex examples of Creation. The French biophysicist Pierre Lecomte du Nouy makes this admission on the subject:

We are not even authorized to consider the exceptional case of the Archaeopteryx as a true link. By link, we mean a necessary stage of transition between classes such as reptiles and birds, or between smaller groups. An animal displaying characters belonging to two different groups cannot be treated as a true link as long as the intermediary stages have not been found, and as long as the mechanisms of transition remain unknown.57

Many Darwinist circles have actually made that admission. Two of the 20th Century’s best known Darwinists, Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldredge, who were responsible for the punctuated evolution deception, also agree that Archaeopteryx cannot be regarded as a transitional form.58 Jonathan Wells admits the fact that the fossil does not constitute evidence for evolution, and that scientific circles have agreed on this when he said, “The world’s most beautiful fossil, the specimen Ernst Mayr called ‘the almost perfect link between reptiles and birds,’ has been quietly shelved, and the search for missing links continues as though Archaeopteryx had never been found.”59 But the interesting thing is that although Darwinist scientists have made that confession, efforts are still being made to depict the Archaeopteryx fossil as a transitional form in Darwinist publications. Jonathan Wells sets out the position:

Some biology textbooks continue to present Archaeopteryx as the classic example of a missing link. Mader’s 1998 Biology calls it “a transitional link between reptiles and birds,” and William Schraer and Herbert Stolte’s 1999 Biology: The Study of Life tells students that “many scientists believe it represents an evolutionary link between reptiles and birds.60

There can be no doubt that this stems from a desire to persist in this huge fraud. Because Darwinists are unable to abandon their theories in the absence of any transitional forms, they instead try to produce false ones. That explains the desperate and fraudulent attempts to keep Archaeopteryx on the agenda.

 The Idea That the “Coelacanth is an Example of the Transition from Sea to Land” Is a Fraud

Even the discovery of a living dinosaur would have been less surprising. Because fossils show that the coelacanth existed 150-200 million years before the appearance of the dinosaurs. The creature put forward by many scientists as the ancestor of land-dwelling vertebrates, believed to have disappeared at least 70 million years ago, had been found!61

These words from a Darwinist, in the April 2003 issue of Focus magazine, describe the astonishment at the discovery of a living Coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae), for years portrayed as a transitional form, in today’s waters. Prior to 1938, Darwinists had made countless claims about the fossil Coelacanth, interpreting its fins as “legs about to start walking” and a fossilized oil sac as “a primitive lung.” With all this speculation about the fossil, they suggested that they had discovered a missing link.

The capture of a living Coelacanth at such a time came as a terrible disappointment to Darwinists. This and more than 200 other living Coelacanths, the latest of which was caught in May 2007, totally discredited all the Darwinist conjecture about the fossils. It was realized that the Coelacanth was an exceedingly complex and highly developed bottom-dwelling fish, about 150 centimeters in length. In addition, the animals showed no sign of change over 450 million years. To put it another way, its complexity today is the same as it was 450 million years ago.

Following the scientific realization of these facts, the Coelacanth assumed its place as an example of a living fossil, and all the claims about it being a transitional form were withdrawn. Darwinists lost yet another fossil they had speculated about so much. Had this animal not been found in today’s seas, then, just as with Archaeopteryx, there would have been no end to the Darwinist speculation regarding it. It would still be depicted as the greatest representative of the passage from water to land, and there would be thousands of conjectures about it being the finest unquestionable transitional form. Furthermore, Darwinists would also be making attempts to utterly discredit those saying that the animal is not a transitional form, but rather a perfect marine organism, just as we see happening currently with all the other alleged transitional forms.

But the fact is that those who wish to deceive others with no scientific basis will never achieve their ends. As our Lord says in a verse:

All the Fossil Skulls Depicted As Evidence for Darwinism Are False

Since Darwinism is not founded upon any genuine scientific evidence or basis, it seeks to gather support by presenting false evidence. It is therefore enough for Darwinists to have materials on which to speculate in their possession. Darwinists take fossils of extinct life forms that they can speculate about, shape them in various ways and use them as tools for their ideology. The Coelacanth, which as it was supposedly extinct, was for years portrayed as the best known example of the imaginary transition from water to land, but a living specimen of which was subsequently caught in today’s waters, is the most important evidence of this fraud. Darwinists try to use the same tactic for other life forms and for man. They categorize all the fossils they acquire on the basis of their appearance and attach the label of “transitional form” to whichever take their fancy. But all the fossils they describe as “transitional forms” belong, like the Coelacanth, to perfect and flawless living things.

The invalidity of all the fossils heralded as transitional forms has subsequently been proved, and it has been scientifically established that they all belong to complex, extinct life forms. When it comes to the supposed evolution of man, the tools of speculation are generally either extinct types of ape or else certain human peoples who lived at some time in the past. All the “transitional form” claims made to date have been based on this speculative technique. For example, countless skulls that Darwinists have attempted to portray as examples of the fictitious evolution of man, have been definitely and scientifically proven to belong to extinct forms of ape or else human races. And the skulls in question have all been removed from the scientific literature:

- A fossil discovered in 1891 and given the name Java Man, and the fossil known as Peking Man discovered in 1923 were both shown to be false transitional forms in 1939.

- A single fossil tooth, claimed to represent the most significant evidence of a transitional form in 1922 and given the name of Nebraska Man, was realized to belong to a wild pig in 1927.

- A fossil discovered in 1959 and named Zinjanthropus was subsequently realized to belong to an ordinary ape and was removed from the scientific literature in 1970.

- Ramapithecus, discovered in the 1930s and exhibited as a transitional form for the next 50 year, was eliminated when it was shown to be an ordinary baboon in 1981.

- Lucy, discovered in 1974 in Africa was invalidated by research in 1999-2000, and the fossil was also removed from the scientific literature.

- The skull named the Taung Child discovered in 1924 was invalidated in 1954 when it was shown to belong to a young gorilla.

- It was established that the Turkana Boy fossil discovered in 1984 and attempted to be portrayed as a Homo Erectus, was in fact about 12 years old, and
would have stood 1.83 meters tall when he became an adult. The erect structure of the skeleton is in no way different from humans today. It was understood that all the speculation about the fossil was false.

In a statement issued in Nature magazine, the evolutionist L.B. Halstead from the University of Reading Geology Department admitted that all the fossils depicted to date as evidence for so-called evolution, in fact constituted no evidence for human evolution, and that Darwinists actually had no corroborative finds in the area at all:

This presents the public for the first time with the notion that there are no actual fossils directly ancestral to man. [This is] What the creationists have insisted on for years ...62

The biologist Lyall Watson also says that Darwinists have not unearthed a single fossil that might prove the supposed evolution of man:

Modern apes, for instance, seem to have sprung out of nowhere. They have no yesterday, no fossil record. And the true origin of modern humans--of upright, naked, toolmaking, big-brained beings--is, if we are to be honest with ourselves, an equally mysterious matter.63

No matter how reluctant Lyall Watson may be to openly state the case, referring to the origin of man as “a mysterious matter,” the origins of man are actually abundantly clear: Allah created man like all other living things, and concrete scientific findings confirm this. In addition to all this, Darwinists are always confronted by the dating problem with every new fossil that is unearthed. They constantly have to “set back” the dates they have dreamed up for evolution and to alter their claims as they see how fossils refute evolution. For example, the fact that 200-million-year-old human footprints were found in one stratum alongside human bones in strata dating back to the Cretaceous Period (144 to 65 million years) shows that human beings go back at least 100 million years.64 Given that evolutionists assume a period of 50,000 years since human beings first appeared, we are most definitely looking at a major discrepancy. New fossils reported in August 2007 showed that the life forms called Homo Erectus and Homo Habilis by Darwinists in fact lived at the same time. The dating problem is yet another factor that leaves Darwinists in a hopeless dilemma when it comes to the so-called evolution of man.

Yet despite all these facts, Darwinists still continue to portray the false fossils in question as evidence and to convert them, in their own eyes, into part of the myth of human evolution. They still deceive people and continue to use these fossils, the invalidity of which has been scientifically proven, in scientific references and school text books. The writer Hank Hanegraaff comments on this deceptive technique:

Speculation about Pithecanthropus Erectus, the ape man that walked erect, is far and away the most famous 'ape-man' fiction still being circulated as fact. While over time he has evolved into a new classification called Homo Erectus, millions regard him as a friendly ancestor, not just a fossil, and simply refer to him by the nickname Java Man.

It is generally known that Java Man was initially discovered by a Dutchman named Eugene Dubois on the Dutch East Indian island of Java in 1891. What is not so well known is the fact that Java Man consists of nothing more than a skullcap, a femur, three teeth, and a great deal of imagination. Even more disturbing is the fact that the femur was found 50 feet (15 meters) from the skullcap and a full year later… This trek, commonly referred to as the Selenka Expedition, included nineteen evolutionists bent on demonstrating that the evolutionary conjectures about Java man were true. However, their 342 page scientific report, which, according to [Sir Arthur] Keith [a famous evolutionist] 'commands our unstinted praise,' demonstrates beyond the peradventure of a doubt that Java mMan played no part in human evolution."

Despite all the evidence, it is truly amazing that Time magazine printed “How Man Began,” an article that shamelessly treated Java Man as though it were a true evolutionary ancestor.”65

In this way, Darwinist publications become part of the Darwinist deception. Darwinist books written by eminent professors and scientists repeat these false scenarios, which are entirely based on deception, rather than producing genuine scientific evidence. The reason why skulls that have been removed from the scientific literature and whose invalidity has been scientifically established are still kept on the agenda is in order for this deception to be maintained. As the evolutionist zoologist Robert Martin said to New Scientist magazine on the subject:

In recent years several authors have written popular books on human origins which were based more on fantasy and subjectivity than on fact and objectivity...66

At the present moment Darwinists have not a single skull or a single bone fragment they can point to as evidence for supposed human evolution. The fraudulent method employed by Darwinists, who are unable to bear this state of affairs, is to continue to deceive people by way of such false transitional form fossils.

The Claim That “Australopithecus Is the Ancestor of Man” Is Fraudulent

The subject of human evolution is of vital importance to Darwinists. The idea they have tried for years to indoctrinate people with is the lie that man is a supposed evolved animal. They strive with all their power to maintain this lie, and attempt to insert the idea that human beings have supposed animal ancestors in even the most unrelated subjects. The deceptions to which they resort on this matter are breathtaking. Even totally unconnected fossil find is presented in such a way as to suggest they are human beings. So much so that Darwinists produced Nebraska Man from a single fossil tooth, which would later be proven to belong to a wild pig, and they had no qualms about depicting this entity’s entire social life together with its family and community. One of the most significant examples of these astonishing endeavors is their long-time claim that Australopithecus is the so-called ape-like ancestor of man.

Australopithecus is an extinct species of ape. The name means "Southern ape," and Darwinists seek to depict it as the first ape-like ancestor of human beings. As with all other examples, since this species of ape is extinct, evolutionists have used it as a tool for speculation. But as with all other examples, the scenarios that Darwinists produce regarding Australopithecus are again based on deception.

Australopithecus is thought to have first appeared in Africa fourmillion years ago and to have survived until one million years ago. The fact that needs to be made absolutely clarified here is that all Australopithecines are extinct apes resembling their modern-day counterparts. They all have brain volumes the same as, or smaller than those of present-day chimpanzees. They walked on four feet. Like present-day apes they had bony protrusions that helped them to climb trees, and their feet were prehensile to allow them to cling onto branches. They were short in stature (maximum 130 centimeters) and, just like present-day apes, the male Australopithecus was much larger than the female. Hundreds of details in their skulls, and features such as their close-set eyes, their sharp molars, their jaw structure and their long arms and short legs are all evidence showing they were no different to present-day apes.

Although the Australopithecines were all evidently species of ape, Darwinists describe them as life forms that managed to walk on two legs. This is a blatant deception, because not a single one of the Australopithecus-related fossils unearthed to date corroborates this scenario. The evolutionary scenario for these entities is thus based on no scientific evidence.

According to Darwinists, although there were various species in the Australopithecus family, only Australopithecus afarensis (the species represented by “Lucy”, who was portrayed to the whole world as proof of so-called human evolution when she was discovered in 1974) is regarded as a direct ancestor of man. However even Darwinists have accepted that the creature in question cannot be put forward as the ancestor of humans. The French Darwinist journal Science et Vie used the subject as its cover story in its May 1999 issue. Under the caption “Adieu Lucy,” the magazine discussed Lucy, regarded as the most important fossil specimen from the species Australopithecus afarensis, and said that Australopithecus apes were not the forerunners of human beings, and that they should be removed from the family tree.67

The world famous paleoanthropologist Richard Leakey also says that Lucy has no evolutionary validity: It is overwhelmingly likely that Lucy (Australophitecus afarensis) was no more than a variety of pygmy chimpanzee. The evidence for the alleged transformation from ape to man is extremely unconvincing.68

In addition, as a result of his researches into Australopithecines the evolutionist Lord Zuckerman also concluded that they were an ordinary species of ape and very definitely did not walk upright.69

Another evolutionist and anatomist well known for his research into the subject, Charles E. Oxnard, stated that the skeletal structure of Australopithecines resembles that of today’s orangutans.70

In 1994, Fred Spoor and his team from Liverpool University in Britain carried out a comprehensive study in order to arrive at a definitive conclusion regarding the Australopithecus skeleton. An organ in the skeleton known as the “cochlea,” which determines the position of the body in relation to the ground, was investigated. Spoor’s conclusion was that Australopithecus did not walk in a bipedal manner similar to that of human beings.71

Another study in 2000 by the scientists B.G Richmond and D.S Strait, published in Nature magazine, examined the forearms of Australopithecines. Their comparative anatomical research showed that the species had the same forearm structure as those of present-day monkeys that walk on four limbs.72

All this evidence reveals that Australopithecines were nothing more than species of ape. Indeed, the evolutionist anthropologists who discovered Lucy, Donald Johanson and T. D. White, issued the following statement in Science magazine:

Fossils of Australopithecus have been studied in painstaking detail: their manner of walking, the structure of their ear, pattern of tooth development, their long and powerful forearms, short hind limbs, structure of their feet, small sized brains, and very ape- like skulls, jaws, and faces. These prove that Australopithecus was an ape and no way related to man. Donald Johanson himself, the discoverer of Lucy, later concluded that Australophitecus africanus (Lucy) was not related to humans at all.73

In summary, scientific research has refuted all the claims suggesting that Australopithecines were the forerunners of human beings. They were all species of apes, and to equate them with human beings is a scenario utilized by Darwinists for the sake of their fictitious and false theories.

The Claim That “Neanderthals Are the Ape-Like Ancestors of Man” Is Fraudulent

Darwinists employed the same technique they used with Australopithecus for the Neanderthals, an extinct human race.

Neanderthal Man entered the scientific literature with the discovery in 1856 of fossils in the Neander Valley near the German city of Düsseldorf. The curvatures in its skull and bones led it to being regarded by evolutionists as a supposed primitive human species.

In 1908, an almost complete skeleton described as belonging to Neanderthal Man was found in the French region of La Chapelle-aux-Saints. The bones were re-assembled by the famous paleontologist and geologist of the time, Marcellin Boule.

The Neanderthal Man that emerged from this re-assembly had a stooped posture and a protruding skull. Its legs were also locked at the joints, meaning it lacked a fully upright posture.

Through this appearance, the impression was formed in the minds of the people that Neanderthal Man was a primitive being. Neanderthals were also depicted as ape-men in fictitious illustrations.

This false impression of the Neanderthals lasted for 100 years. But analysis of the La Chapelle skeleton in the 1950s determined that the Neanderthal to whom it belonged had a kind of joint infection. Healthy individuals were in fact able to walk just like normal human beings.

In 1985, the same skeleton was examined by the anthropologist Erik Trinkhaus. That examination confirmed that Neanderthals walked upright and revealed another fact that had hitherto remained hidden: Marcellin Boule had deliberately portrayed Neanderthal as being stooped.74 The joint disorder identified in the 1950s was no obstacle to the individual walking upright. It appeared that the Darwinist Boule was unwilling to admit that the Neanderthal walked like a normal human being.

E. Trinkaus and W. W. Howells made the following statement in Scientific American magazine:

Today most scientists agree that Neanderthal Man stood fully upright and that in the absence of disease, its features are no different than modern humans.75

Meanwhile, the size of the Neanderthal skull also forced evolutionists into inconsistency. The reason was that Neanderthals had a skull volume of around 1700 cc; this is 200 cc more than the volume of today’s human beings. The fact that Neanderthals, supposedly a “primitive” species, had a greater brain volume than Homo sapiens represented a huge contradiction for the theory of evolution.

The Neanderthal expert Erik Trinkhaus admits:

Detailed comparisons of Neanderthal skeletal remains with those of modern humans have shown that there is nothing in Neanderthal anatomy that conclusively indicates locomotor, manipulative, intellectual, or linguistic abilities inferior to those of modern humans.76

There is no doubt that because the Neanderthals were a human race they possessed the same features as modern races. Neanderthal Man was a talented maker of tools and a skilled hunter. He even engaged in music and art. They had a cultural and social structure, just like societies today, and had religious beliefs.77 The civilization established by the Neanderthals was therefore no different to present-day civilizations.

A further issue regarding Neanderthals that represents an insuperable dilemma for Darwinists is the problem of dating. Fossils discovered show that Neanderthals were living at the same time as modern human beings and that in some circumstances they were even living much later. Evolutionist biologist Francisco J. Ayala from the University of California admits:

A few years ago, they [Neanderthals] were thought to be ancestral to anatomically modern humans, but now we know that modern humans appeared at least 100,000 years ago, much before the disappearance of the Neanderthals. Moreover, in caves in the Middle East, fossils of modern humans have been found dated 120,000-100,000 years ago, as well as Neanderthals dated at 60,000 and 70,000 years ago, followed again by modern humans dated at 40,000 years ago. It is unclear whether the two forms repeatedly replaced one another by migration from other regions, or whether they coexisted in some areas.78

The Neanderthals, proposed as a so-called ape-like ancestor of man, are therefore actually an extinct human race. In the same way that modern-day humans possess different features unique to their own races, so the Neanderthals also had their own unique characteristics. Therefore, it is a huge deception to use them as evidence for evolution. Indeed, the Neanderthal fossil was removed from the scientific literature in 1978. But the Neanderthals still appear in Darwinist references as if they represent some great evidence of evolution.

The aim behind the speculation about Neanderthal Man that is still going on in some evolutionist publications is to influence and mislead people who are ignorant of the true facts about the Neanderthals, and who are unaware that they were a “transitional form” that has been scientifically discredited. It is therefore of the greatest importance to highlight the true facts about Australopithecus and the Neanderthals, and to put an end to this Darwinist deception.

Piltdown Man” Was a Hoax

In 1912, Charles Dawson, a well-known doctor and also an amateur paleontologist, claimed to have found a jaw bone and skull fragment in a depression near Piltdown, England. Although the jaw bone resembled an ape jaw, the teeth and skull resembled those of a human being. The fossils were given the name “Piltdown Man,” dated at 500,000 years old, and put on display in the British Museum as the most significant evidence of so-called human evolution. A great many scientific papers, analyses and illustrations were produced over the next 40 years. Some 500 academics from different universities wrote doctoral theses about Piltdown Man.79

On a visit to the British Museum in 1935, the well-known American paleoanthropologist H. F. Osborn said, "... Nature is full of paradoxes... a discovery of transcendent importance to the prehistory of man."80

But Piltdown Man was a huge fraud, a deliberately manufactured hoax.

In 1949, Kenneth Oakley from the British Museum Paleontology Department sought permission to use the newly developed “fluoride test” on a number of ancient fossils. The Piltdown Man fossil was duly tested using the technique. The test revealed that there was no fluoride in the Piltdown Man jaw bone. This meant that the jaw bone had been underground for no more than a few years. The skull itself contained a small amount of fluoride and must have been a few thousand years old.

Subsequent chronological research based on the fluoride technique revealed that the skull was no more than a few thousand years in age. It was also realized that the teeth in the jaw bone had been artificially worn down, and that the primitive tools found beside the fossils were replicas carved out using steel equipment.81 Oxford professor of physical anthropology Joseph Weiner’s detailed analyses definitively confirmed this fraud in 1953. The skull was human, around 500 years old, while the jaw bone belonged to a recently deceased orangutan! The teeth had been added on and set afterwards to give the impression of being human, and the insertion points had been planed down. All the fragments had then been stained with potassium dichromate in order to give an aged appearance. This staining disappeared when the bones were placed in acid. Le Gros Clark, from the team that exposed the hoax, was unable to conceal his amazement and said: "The evidences of artificial abrasion immediately sprang to the eye. Indeed so obvious did they seem it may well be asked-how was it that they had escaped notice before?"82

The science writer Hank Hanegraaff referred to this astonishing state of affairs as follows: ”... as Marvin Lubenov explains, 'The file marks on the orangutan teeth of the lower jaw were clearly visible. The molars were misaligned and filed at two different angles. The canine tooth had been filed down so far that the pulp cavity had been exposed and then plugged.'”83

The evolutionist biologist Keith Steward Thomson made this comment about the Piltdown Man lie, “The Piltdown man forgery of 1912 was one of most successful and wicked of all scientific frauds.”84

Following this surprising and, for Darwinists, embarrassing discovery, Piltdown Man was hastily removed from the British Museum where it had been on display for some 40 years. The Darwinist deception was so enormous that a hand-made fossil had fooled the whole scientific world and all mankind for 40 years. This would inevitably go down as one of the blackest marks in the history of evolution. Professor of Anthropology Pat Shipman described the impact of this fraud: “The Piltdown fossils, whose discovery was first announced in 1912, fooled many of the greatest minds in paleoanthropology until 1953, when the remains were revealed as planted, altered – a forgery.”85

The journalist, writer and philosopher Malcolm Muggeridge described the position that Darwinism, propped up by hoaxes such as Piltdown Man, had placed all humanity in as follows: “I myself am convinced that the theory of evolution, especially the extent to which it's been applied, will be one of the great jokes in the history books in the future. Posterity will marvel that so very flimsy and dubious an hypothesis could be accepted with the incredible credulity that it has.”86

The Piltdown hoax, committed, at least in the perpetrators’ eyes, in order to eliminate belief in Creation and to convince people of the lie that human beings came into existence spontaneously and with no responsibilities, is actually a stratagem of atheistic freemasonry, which is the system of the antichrist. But Allah’s glorious creation and matchless works are so apparent and manifest that with today’s science there is nowhere they cannot be seen. These vain endeavors across the world on the part of the antichrist just humiliate him and his followers, and clearly reveal the failure of the Darwinism lie. Allah, our Almighty Lord, has told us in numerous verses of the Qur’an, how He created human beings, and every piece of evidence in the universe clearly reveals this sublime creation:

Nebraska Man Was a Fraud

In 1922, American Museum of Natural History director Henry Fairfield Osborn announced that he had discovered a Pliocene molar tooth fossil near Snake Valley in West Nebraska. This tooth, it was claimed, bore common ape and human features. Before long, a profound scientific debate had commenced on the subject. Some interpreted this tooth as coming from Pithecanthropus erectus while others said it was more human. This fossil that created such major debates was given the name Nebraska Man.” A “scientific” name followed immediately after: Hesperopithecus haroldcooki.

Reconstructions of Nebraska Man’s skull and body were produced on the basis of this single tooth. Things went even further as pictures showing Nebraska Man’s family in their natural habitat were published. All these scenarios were produced from just one tooth. Evolutionist circles adopted this “ghost man” so strongly that when a researcher called William Bryan opposed such definitive pronouncements being made on the basis of a single molar, he attracted enormous wrath.

In 1927, however, other parts of the skeleton were found. These showed that the tooth belonged neither to a human being nor to an ape or monkey. It was realized that the tooth belonged to a species of extinct American wild pig called Prosthennops. William Gregory titled a paper in Science magazine in which he announced this “Hesperopithecus: Apparently Not an Ape Nor a Man.”87

Science writer Hank Hanegraaff explains the developments as follows:

In 1922, A TOOTH WAS DISCOVERED IN NEBRASKA. With a little imagination the tooth was connected to a mythological jawbone, the jawbone was connected to a skull, the skull was connected to a skeleton, and the skeleton was given a face, features, and fur. By the time the story hit a London newspaper, not only was there a picture of “Nebraska Man” but there was also a picture of “Nebraska Mom.” All of that from a single, solitary tooth. Imagine what might have happened if a skeleton had been discovered. Perhaps a yearbook would have been published!

Sometime after the initial discovery, an identical tooth was found by geologist Harold Cook. This time the tooth was attached to an actual skull, and the skull was attached to the skeleton of a wild pig. Thus, Nebraska man, known by the “scientific” designation Hesperopithecus haroldcooki, has been unmasked as a myth rather than a man in the making.88

As a consequence, all pictures of Hesperopithecus haroldcooki and its “family” were hastily removed from the literature. Nebraska Man is an important indication of how Darwinists can produce an utterly fantastic scenario of evolution on the basis of a single tooth. Although a tooth provides no information about a living thing’s general anatomy, the way that the drawings of Nebraska Man and his family were produced on the basis of a pig’s tooth, and the fact that this was portrayed as scientific until the truth was revealed, is a huge logical deficiency and an utter humiliation for Darwinism. But Darwinists have refused to abandon frauds, and are consciously continuing with their Darwinist deceptions.

The Peppered Moth Claim Is a Deception

Tree bark in the mid-19th Century during the early part of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain was light in color. For that reason, dark colored variants of the moth species (melanic moths) Biston betularia could easily be seen and caught by birds. Fifty years later, however, lichens, a kind of algae, had died out around the trees as a result of industrial pollution, and the trees had become darker in color. At this time, it was now the lighter colored moths that were more visible on the trees and that were caught more often by birds. As a result, the number of light colored moths declined, while the darker melanic moths increased in number, since these were less easily caught.

Evolutionists eagerly seized on this state of affairs as significant evidence for their claims of evolution by way of natural selection. Using the same deceptive techniques, as always, they then set about trying to mislead people into thinking that light-colored moths evolved into darker ones. This claim was heralded with the so-called phrase “evolution in action.” But the facts were very different, since these moths in fact underwent no evolutionary change at all, the only thing present being a huge Darwinist deception.

In 1953, H.B.D. Kettlewell, a Darwinist doctor of medicine and also an amateur biologist, decided to perform an experiment to observe the phenomenon. He carried out experiments and observations in rural parts of England where these moths were living. As a result of his experiments, Kettlewell determined that dark moths on lighter lichen were caught in larger numbers. He then announced this in an article titled “Darwin’s Missing Evidence” in Scientific American magazine, as if this were a giant discovery in the name of Darwinism. By 1960, Kettlewell’s account had assumed its place in all school text books.

In 1985, certain peculiarities began to be noticed. A young American biology teacher called Craig Holdrege came across an interesting statement in the notes of Sir Cyril Clarke, a close friend of Kettlewell and who took part in his experiments. Clarke said:

All we have observed is where the moths do not spend the day. In 25 years, we have only found two betularia on the tree trunks or walls adjacent to our traps...89

Holdrege had for a long time been showing his students photographs of moths placed on tree trunks and describing how birds would locate and catch the more visible ones. But now someone who had researched these moths for 25 years was saying he had only seen moths on the tree trunks twice. A fierce scientific debate erupted almost immediately. The debate led to the following conclusions: many studies performed after Kettlewell’s experiments showed that the moths landed on only one kind of tree trunk, preferring the undersides of horizontal branches of all other kinds of tree. Since the 1980s, everyone has been in agreement that moths land only very, very rarely on tree trunks. Many scientists, such as Cyril Clarke and Rory Howlett, who conducted a 25-year study on the subject, as well as Michael Majerus, Tony Liebert and Paul Brakefield have declared that “Kettlewell obliged the moths to behave in an unnatural manner in his experiments, for which reason the results of the experiment are scientifically unacceptable.”

Researchers investigating Kettlewell’s experiment encountered an even more astonishing finding; while there should have been more light-colored moths in unpolluted regions of England there were actually four times as many dark ones. In other words, contrary to what Kettlewell claimed, and what had been reiterated in every evolutionist reference book, there was no correlation between tree bark and the ratios in the moth population.

The American lepidopterist (an expert engaged in scientific study of butterflies and moths) Ted Sargent and other researchers noted that the moths in question did not land on the tree trunks but hid beneath the upper branches. In addition, the moths slept in the day and flew about at night; in other words, when the birds were asleep!90

The more the matter was investigated, the greater the scale of the scandal: the “moths on tree bark” photographed by Kettlewell were actually dead. Since moths settle on the under sides of the branches rather than on the tree trunk, there was effectively no means of obtaining such an image. For that reason, Kettlewell stuck these dead animals to the trees with glue and then photographed them.91

The New York Times made this comment when it was realized that the moths that Darwinists had so loudly portrayed as scientific evidence for around a century were in fact fraudulent: “The most famous example of evolution in action must now become the most infamous”92

When The University of Chicago evolutionary biologist learned about this fraud in 1998, he wrote of his “shame” due to the Industrial Revolution moths he had been teaching his students about for years being a hoax, and compared his reaction to "the dismay attending my discovery, at age 6, that it was my father and not Santa who brought the presents on Christmas Eve."93

With the revelation of all these facts, people realized that the tale of the Industrial revolution moths, depicted as “Darwin’s missing evidence,” was in fact a giant deception. For decades hundreds of millions of people had been deceived by photographs of a few dead moths glued onto a tree and a hoary old tale concerning them. The real truth of the matter is this: the evidence that Darwin needed does not exist and it is impossible for it ever to be found. Because living things did not evolve.

The interesting thing is that the Industrial Revolution moths are still presented in some text books as evidence of evolution. In this way, Darwinists aim to mislead impressionable young minds that are unaware of this fraud. Depicting a fraud as genuine evidence, even though this fraud has already been exposed, is in fact evidence of Darwinism’s despair, lack of proof and purely ideological nature. The fact of Creation is clear to see. Darwinists trying to avoid this clear fact imagine they can find a solution by resorting to lies and trickery. But Allah will certainly do away with trickery and falsehood and superstitious religions.

Haeckel’s Embryo Drawings Are Fraudulent

In his 1868 book Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte (The History of Natural Creation) Ernst Haeckel suggested that he had made various comparisons using human, monkey and dog embryos. The drawings he produced consisted of nearly identical embryos. On the basis of these drawings, Haeckel then suggested that the life forms involved had common origins.

But the true state of affairs was very different. Haeckel had produced a drawing of just a single embryo, and then produced human, monkey and dog embryos from this by making very small changes. In other words, it was a hoax.

That was the supposed “scientific work” (!) that Darwin cited as a reference in his book The Descent of Man. In fact, some people realized that Haeckel’s illustrations were a distortion even before Darwin wrote his book. Following the exposure of the fraud, Haeckel himself admitted the huge scientific fraud he had perpetrated:

After this compromising confession of 'forgery' I should be obliged to consider myself condemned and annihilated if I had not the consolation of seeing side by side with me in the prisoner's dock hundreds of fellow - culprits, among them many of the most trusted observers and most esteemed biologists. The great majority of all the diagrams in the best biological textbooks, treatises and journals would incur in the same degree the charge of 'forgery,' for all of them are inexact, and are more or less doctored, schematised and constructed.94

But according to Darwinists, in order to keep the dogma of Darwinism propped up, there was a need to declare that one of the false pieces of evidence in their possession was actually “proof of evolution.” The fraud perpetrated, or other Darwinists being aware of it, was unimportant for them; what mattered in their eyes was for it to be heralded as evidence of evolution, even if it was fraudulent.

That is the reason why, despite the exposure of the fraud, Darwin and the biologists who supported him continued to regard Haeckel’s drawings as a reference source. And that further encouraged Haeckel. In the years that followed he produced further series of comparative embryo illustrations. He prepared diagrams showing fish, salamander, turtle, chicken, rabbit and human embryos side by side. The noteworthy aspect of these was how the embryos of these different life forms initially resembled one another very closely and gradually diverged over the course of their development. The similarity between the human and fish embryos in particular was very striking indeed. So much so that fictitious “gills” could be seen in the human embryo drawings, just as in those of the fish. Under the scientific guise he gave these illustrations, Haeckel launched his “theory of recapitulation”: Ontology Repeats Phylogeny. The meaning of the slogan was this; according to Haeckel, during the developmental process it undergoes in the egg or the mother’s womb, every living thing repeats the supposed “evolutionary history” of its species, right from the very beginning. According to this false theory, the human embryo in the mother’s womb first resembles a fish and then, in subsequent weeks, a salamander, a reptile and a mammal, finally “evolving” into a human being.

But this was a huge fraud.

In the 1990s the British embryologist Michael Richardson examined vertebrate embryos under the microscope and determined no resemblance to Haeckel’s drawings. Following their study, Richardson and his team published genuine photographs of embryos in the August 1997 issue of the journal Anatomy and Embryology. It appeared that Haeckel had taken various template designs and distorted them in various ways so that the embryos would resemble one another. He added imaginary organs to embryos, removed organs from others, and depicted embryos of very different sizes as being the same in scale. The clefts that Haeckel depicted as “gills” in the human embryo had in fact nothing to do with gills at all. They were actually the middle ear canal and the beginnings of the parathyroid and thymus glands. The embryos did not in fact resemble one another whatsoever . Haeckel had made innumerable distortions in his illustrations.

An article about Haeckel’s drawings, for long maintained on the agenda as false evidence of evolution, appeared in the September 5, 1997, issue of Science magazine titled “Haeckel’s Embryos: Fraud Rediscovered,” following which the whole scientific world agreed that there had been a fraud perpetrated. The article contained the following lines:

Not only did Haeckel add or omit features, Richardson and his colleagues report, but he also fudged the scale to exaggerate similarities among species, even when there were 10-fold differences in size. Haeckel further blurred differences by neglecting to name the species in most cases, as if one representative was accurate for an entire group of animals. In reality, Richardson and his colleagues note, even closely related embryos such as those of fish vary quite a bit in their appearance and developmental pathway. "It (Haeckel's drawings) looks like it's turning out to be one of the most famous fakes in biology,"95

In March 2000 Harvard University evolutionist and paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould said that he had long been aware of this fraud but he had preferred to remain silent, as required by the system of the dajjal.96 Once the public had learned that the drawings were fraudulent, Gould stated that it was academic murder for them still to be used and said: "We do, I think, have the right, to be both astonished and ashamed by the century of mindless recycling that has led to the persistence of these drawings in a large number, if not a majority, of modern textbooks."97

Haeckel’s fraud was so blatant and so great that he was accused of fraud by five different professors and found guilty by the Jena University court.98

Sir Gavin de Beer, from Great Britain’s Natural History Museum, described this terrible disgrace as follows:

Seldom has an assertion like that of Haeckel’s ‘theory of recapitulation,’ facile, tidy, and plausible, widely accepted without critical examination, done so much harm to science.”99

These false illustrations of Haeckel’s in fact achieved their intended aim on behalf of Darwinists. Although they had been declared to be false, they still had a negative impact as a great many people still imagined them to be genuine, and despite their scientific invalidity they still negatively altered the general views regarding living things of people still undergoing education in schools. Henry M. Morris, founder of the Creation Research Society and the Institute of Creation Research analyzed the state of affairs in these terms:

Ever since Darwin—and especially since Freud—psychologists have assumed that man is merely an evolved animal and have evaluated his behavioral problems on an animalistic basis. Experiments with monkeys or other animals (even with insects) are used for guidance in dealing with human problems...

The bitter fruit of the recapitulation theory (long since discredited scientifically) continued to grow in many areas of society...100

Amazingly enough, Haeckel’s fraudulent illustrations, described as a scientific disgrace and treated with amazement even by some evolutionists when put forward as evidence, still maintain their place in various text books. This astonishing state of affairs shows the exact scale of the Darwinist deception. University of California molecular biologist Jonathan Wells describes the situation thus:

Many textbooks use slightly redrawn versions of Haeckel’s embryos. One example is the 1999 edition of Peter Raven and George Johnson’s Biology …

Other examples include the 1998 edition of Cecie Starr and Ralph Taggart’s Biology: the Unity and Diversity of Life, … the latest edition of James Gould and William Keeton’s Biological Science, which reports: “One fact of embryology that pushed Darwin toward the idea of evolution is that the early embryos of most vertebrates closely resemble one another;” and Burton Guttman’s 1999 textbook, Biology, which accompanies its redrawn version of Haeckel’s embryos with the following: “An animal’s embryonic development holds clues to the forms of its ancestors.”101

The fact that Haeckel’s false illustrations are still used in biology text books, as if they represented proof of evolution, is without doubt no simple error. Despite being forgeries, these illustrations are deliberately included in text books. The main reason for this, without doubt is that they represent significant false evidence for the key point of Darwinism, the falsehood that man is an irresponsible animal. Jonathan Wells makes this comment about this lie deliberately maintained by Darwinist scientists:

Haeckel’s embryos seem to provide such powerful evidence for Darwin’s theory that some version of them can be found in almost every modern textbook dealing with evolution. Yet biologists have known for over a century that Haeckel faked his drawings; vertebrate embryos never look as similar as he made them out to be. Furthermore, the stage Haeckel labeled the “first” is actually midway through development; the similarities he exaggerated are preceded by striking differences in earlier stages of development. Although you might never know it from reading biology textbooks, Darwin’s “strongest single class of facts” is a classic example of how evidence can be twisted to fit a theory.102

Although Darwinists were delighted in the short term that a lie planned by the dajjal was put forward as false evidence for a heretical theory and had such an impact, it in fact heralded terrible disappointment for them. Through Haeckel's drawings, people saw the scale of the deception to which a senior scientist would resort to in the name of Darwinism. It was thus once again proved how Darwinism was in constant need of a “lie.” People clearly saw how evolutionists could turn a blind eye to fraud. Haeckel's fraud was another significant piece of evidence of the destruction of the theory of evolution and the system of the dajjal. This fraud may have been met with silence in the 20th Century, but the 21st Century has seen this and similar frauds exposed, and the genuine scientific evidence put on display. The more these frauds have been exposed, and the more genuine scientific evidence produced, the more the collapse of Darwinism has become ever more apparent.

*symbolic only*

According to Darwin's theory of evolution, there was a mythical first cell that formed when various inanimate substances came together by chance. According to Darwinism, everything began with that “first cell.” And according to Darwinism, that fictitious “first cell” represents the origin of all life, butterflies, birds, lions, whales, eagles, rabbits, deer and eventually human beings who produce professors and technologies, found civilizations, journey into space and examine their own cells in laboratories.
The life of this world is a transient thing in which good and bad, beauty and ugliness appear, by their actions in which human beings are tested, and in which believers and non-believers are distinguished from one another. Almighty Allah, Who has created all beings and this test, has also created, at all times, an enemy in the form of a denier and wrong-doer to confront believers, as part of the test. This denier, who has confronted prophets, messengers and believers throughout history, will appear in the End Times at a time when the hadiths of the Prophet (saas) tell us the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is expected to return to Earth and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will appear. In other words, the denier will be the “dajjal,” or the antichrist.

Dajjal is an Arabic word, derived from the root “dajl.” Dictionaries define dajjal as “liar, fraud, a seditious and damned person who confuses the minds, hearts, good and bad, the right and the wrong, who hides the real face of something by gilding it, who wanders everywhere.”

The hadiths of the Prophet (saas) refer to the dajjal as the greatest negative force to appear in the End of Times. The dajjal, who will attempt to impose the system of satan over the entire world, in the End Times when extraordinary events take place, by means of enmity towards the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), whose appearance we will soon see by Allah’s leave, is perhaps one of the worst deniers of all time. Our Prophet (saas) describes the dimension of the corruption of the dajjal as follows:

There would be no creation (creating more trouble) than the dajjal right from the creation of Adam to the Last Hour.1

It is narrated in traditions that the dajjal is a deceiver who portrays truth as falsehood and falsehood as truth, and good as bad, and bad as good. As we are told in the hadith “He [the dajjal] would bring along with him an image of paradise and hell-fire and what he would call as paradise that would be hell-fire,”2 everything he calls good, beautiful and right is actually an evil that will inflict disaster on humanity. And the values he depicts as evil are actually beneficial and in the interests of humanity. Yet since some people do not look at events in the light of the moral values of the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (saas), they will be misled by the things to which the dajjal invites them and will follow him, while heedlessly turning their backs on the path of Allah, which they should actually follow. They will see what a grave error they have made however, when they witness the climate of oppression the dajjal will establish. It is for these reasons that our Prophet (saas) has warned mankind and told people to act in the knowledge that what the dajjal portrays as evil is in fact good:

The dajjal will appear. And there will be along with him water and fire. What the people will see as water will be burning fire. And what will appear as fire will be water. Any one of you who will see that should plunge in that which he sees as fire for it will be sweet, pure water.3

As can be seen from the many various signs in the hadiths, the period we are in is the “End Times.” It is clear from the hadiths of the Prophet (saas) that the End Times are taking place now and, by Allah’s leave, the return to Earth of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) are also to be expected in this period. Just as we are told in the hadiths, the dajjal is making his corruption felt in the End Times we are living in, and lovelessness, rebellion, evil, division, conflicts and degeneration are spreading across the world. Many people have gone along with the corruption of the dajjal, turned their backs on proper moral values and accepted a devilish system based on disbelief.
The greatest corruption of the dajjal in the End Times, in ideological terms, is Darwinism. Darwinist ideology, the worst fallacy of the 19th century, was initially criticized. But it spread throughout society during the 20th century under the influence of the dajjal, misled vast masses of people into believing in it, gathered a great deal of support, and ultimately found its way into school textbooks and scientific literature. Despite being a terrible lie and devoid of any scientific evidence (even though it claims to be scientific), it has managed to deceive the world under the influence of the dajjal. Again under the dajjal’s influence, as foretold in the hadiths, people regarded something non-existent as actual fact and adopted a theory with no scientific merit as “an explanation of the origin of life.” Children began learning about Darwin’s theory of evolution right from primary school, the most-watched pro-Darwinian television channels emphasized false scenarios of evolution as “scientific research,” and university professors espoused this fraud with all their might. This is a false system of belief through and through. Darwinism emerged as a false religion, great effort went into making people blindly believe in it, and those who did not believe in it were excluded or ostracized. There has been no scientific evidence in favor of the theory of evolution, and it is impossible for there to be any; but since Darwinism is a false belief system, false evidence is constantly produced to support the theory, and the real scientific evidence that repudiates evolution is covered up. The scale of this fraud is truly enormous. As a perverted and false belief system based on denial of Allah, Darwinism is a known deception of the dajjal’s, and one expected in the End Times according to what is revealed in the hadiths.

This false belief system, which claims that living things came into being by chance, which maintains that apes are the ancestors of human beings, which seeks to convince human beings they are aimless animals with no responsibilities, which has led to mass slaughter and has initiated wars through the twisted idea that the strong must crush the weak, and which regards human beings as worthless and inferior, is actually Darwinism, one of the dajjal’s worst plots. However, having persisted for the last 150 years, it has finally been thwarted in the early 21st century. The dajjal’s plot is over, and the dajjal is dead. Mass deception has come to an end. This ideology, adopted like a false religion, has been crushed in the face of the true faith of Allah. There is no doubt that Allah will make His faith prevail. Our Lord reveals in one verse:

Allah confirms the Truth by His words, even though the evildoers hate it.
(Surah Yunus, 82)

The Most Perverse System of the Dajjal of This Century: Darwinism
One of the greatest forms of corruption opposed to religion today is materialism and the various perverse ideologies and movements derived from materialism. But the idea that pervades all these and represents their supposed starting point and foundation is Darwinism. Ever since it was first launched Darwinism has become the foundation for materialist and anti-religious ideologies. It has literally been turned into a religion by the supporters of those ideologies. This statement by the great Islamic scholar Bediüzzaman Said Nursi, regarding how Darwinism will become the religion of the dajjal in the End Times, is particularly noteworthy:

Tyrannical current born of naturalist and materialist philosophy will gradually become strong and spread at the end of time by means of materialist philosophy, reaching such a degree that it denies Allah.4 (Surely Allah is beyond that.)

Just as Bediüzzaman says in the words "A tyrannical current born of naturalist and materialist philosophy," Darwinism is a teaching that ascribes an independent power to nature, that claims that all life is the result of blind chance, rather than being created, and seeks to turn people away from faith in Allah. (Surely Allah is beyond that.) This subject is interpreted as follows in a commentary on al-Kutub al-Sittah, in which the hadiths of our Prophet (saas) are collected together:

The most evident and important task of the corruption of the End Times caused by the dajjal is opposition to religion. Various humanist views and values that will appear in the End Times will attempt to replace religion. This new religion will base itself upon disbelief in order to eradicate all forms of Divine hegemony over mankind... It is an irreligious faith whose basic god is matter and man.5 (Surely Allah is beyond that.)

Abraj Al-Bait-A Blessing or Blasphemy?

Abraj Al-Bayt  The Abraj Al-Bait Towers, also known as the Mecca Royal Hotel Clock Tower, is a building complex in Mecca, Saudi Ar...